Slave death Condition in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Slave death

The condition name Slave death, does exactly what its name declares. It kills, in a matter of days, any person which is owned by another, in the peninsula. Those who have studied it, have declared it to have a numenera origin, but even when some have tried, nobody has been able to discover its origin or how to treat it.


The cause of this condition is being a slave in the peninsula.  


The main symptom of this condition is lethargy.
On the first day in the peninsula, the slave will start to feel tired and sleepy. As the condition progress through the second day, they would have problems staying awake for long periods of time and even when they are, will be slow and lethargic, complaining about muscle soreness.
At some point between the second and third day, they won't be able to wake up anymore. Some hours later, they will simply die in their sleep.


The condition is adquired just by being a slave in the Navarene peninsula, west of The Westwood Forest.   Over the year, many tests have been performed to try to determine, what causes this particular condition.
  • Slaves has been isolated before arriving on the peninsula, to avoid contact with both any slaves at first and then with other people in general.
  • Slaves has been brought to the peninsula without their knowledge of this fact
  • Slaves has been freed, once the disease was acquired.
From all these tests, the only one which shows any reaction to the advancement of the condition is to actually free the slave. Once the slave is no longer considered as such, the lethargy starts to disappear and the person makes full recovery in one or two days.
Nanite / Mechanical
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: water by Biel Morro


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