The ancient restorative and enhancer

The ancient restorative and enhancer is a complex artefact which is the main star of The Healing Chamber in Charmonde.   This artefact can heal most diseases, but its main function is to add or replace organic limbs with synthetic ones.
The machine does not produce the limbs, but this is not a problem as The Healing Chamber have a service to request those made to specification.  


The artefact is a complex one, and it was crafted from several other artefacts. The main three are:
  • The Nanites that would change organic matter
  • The prostectic limb replaced
  • The blueprints for the system's reconfiguration
  Unfortunately, the two first ones, were not in good working order. A number of adventures, first and an even bigger one of slaves afterwards, were killed or reconfigured, a process by them before they were recovered and reconfigured to heal humans, instead of randomly changing them.  


This device can be use by anyone who can afford an appointment in The Healing Chamber This normally mean, those in high position of influence and money.   One notable exception are slaves, they are forbidden by law to be the modified in any way. The slaver/owner, can request an appointment to cure an illness or for general restoration. There is a lobby to try to modify this, which has encounter an iron wall in the form of the Queen Armalu will.
The elements that ended up part of the restorative machine come from various places, but the 3 main ones were recovered in the hunted quadrant of Charmonde, in the many excursions, The University of Academics organize to those ruins.   Most of the early experimentation done with these machines was done on-site, and it's part of the common belief which states: the old ruins in the haunted quadrant, need human blood to calm their thirst when they are awoken.


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