The awakening Myth in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The awakening


The people of Serene, believe the current era of the world, started with an awakening.   According to legend, the sea waters or the coral reef, washed through Serene, the Stranded Ship. This spiritual water, throw evyone who had died there, when the ship creashed, into the nearby coast of the peninsula and granted them new spirits and a new life.   The sea, also marked them, to be able to recognize them in the future, with the color of the sea in their skin. This is why the descendant of the original inhabitant, have a brown skin with a green undercolor.   The new people, awaken all at the same time, surprised of being alive and having new spirits, but they recognize a kindship with both the Sea, which they were aware was the reason of their new life and Serene, the Stranded Ship as their home.  

Variations & Mutation

The most important variation, doesn't mention the original inhabitant of Serene, the Stranded Ship . Instead the water of the river colided with clouds of the sky and together, created the new people. This new people are the ones, the sea gives the spark of life. In this variation, the sea provides the spark of life and the sky provided a place for them to take refuge on.

Cultural Reception

This belief affect the way, this people see life and death. Since life comes from the Sea, she demands some of it to be return to itself, normally by devoring small ships in deed sea storms.   There is no real way to stop the Sea, if it has decided to eat your ship. Your life was given by the Sea and if she decides to take it back, that's her peyorative. But of couse, you can make youself as less atractive target, by building strong ships and observing vigilance of it currents. The See, is after all, lazy when choosing its tributes.
Newborns first cleaning, after they are born and the cordon is broken, are traditionally cleaned in sea-water. This is to help force the sea, to give new spirits to newborns, intead of giving them to the departed.
The sea did a great sea, by giving our ancestors a new life, but there is no need for those which we have lost, to come back with new spirits and no memory of those they left behind. This would confuse the new spirit and cause of world of grief to those who love his old one. For this reason, those who die are traditionally cremated. This forces the sea, to choose only newborns to give new spirits to.


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