The dark mines Building / Landmark in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The dark mines

The dark mines takes their name, are an entrance to the deep end of the hills of the same name, the dark mountains. Calling the mines is a deceptive name, as they are much more that tunnels under those hills, For the accounts of the people who have put foot on them and managed to live the tale, the mines are one of those long-abandoned complex from the old one, in those ruins you can find the raw metals you would expect in normal mines, but also already processed ores, responsive synth and other types of iotum. Cypher would be easy to salvage, as well.   This wonderful abundance of riches, not only face the normal danger, any other ruins has:
  • Guardians who either don't take kindly trespassers, welcome with rituals designed by the mad minds of the ancients (which are deadly for us mere mortals) or who are half broken and mad.
  • Labyrinths were time and space don't always conform those which exist outside them
  • Forgotten experiment, awakened by the noisy outsiders
But also has the disgrace, of being in the middle of the Margr territory, abhumans beast with a goat head, who only enjoy fighting, killing and raiding any civilization around them, and are the reason the mountains took it dark name and are taboo territory. Most people who disobey the taboo, are never seen again. The adventurers who have made it there recently, also speak of a degradation of the ruins, as apparently, the Margr, are systematically destroying anything that show any signs of being still active. It's extremely rare, for an adventure group to target this site twice.

Purpose / Function

As with many of the old ruined structures, the original purpose of this building in the old ones era is unknown. Many assume, that this structure was used to extract riches from the earth, hence calling them mines. The most erudite types, like to remember their peers, the Parable of the Imager and the Spider, to remind them, how little we understand regarding the old ones minds and intentions.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The monster mine


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