The Red Council Organization in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The Red Council


The red council is the military arm of the shadow council. Its organized in cells. There are two types of cells:
  • Internal cell: Those cells are positioned inside the city. Normally as part of the city guard or the garrison next to the city. They tend to be fully human in composition.
  • External cell: They are stationed outside of the cities, they can also be in the garrison. Those are normally mixed, as it's important for the council to start to integrate some of the non-human races, which used to be part of the alliance.
  • When they are not in the garrison, they can be in one of the training villages in the forest or desployed to disrupt commerce between the Spiralai and the peninsula. The entrance is normally the best place to attack for this effect. Attacking this area is consider and war exercise to deploy in the future. A cell is a group, from 20 to 30 individuals, which follow an affiliate. Those affilitates, respond to it's colored assistant.


    Secrecy normally plays a big role to the red council. They are trained not to reveal their association with the council to anyone beyond your own cell. The garison is fully under the red council control and consider a safe zone, unless there are important visitors inspecting it, They need to be ferried by the garrison personel, so this is never a surprise. The personel move freely between the garrison and the forest, to increase relations between the tribes and increse training.


    The biggest asset of the red council is the garrison south of the city. This garison is a small salient, surrounded by the sea by 3 of its side and the forest in the 4th. They city normally access it by sea. The red council took it over slowly by placing their people in place. Now its being prepared for the inevitable war without the royals even realizing it.
    Illicit, Rebel


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