The rolling thunder

Transmission & Vectors

The transmision vector for this disease if very specific, as it does not use any of the usual method but instead it uses electricity.


The disease is thought to have started to spread from the people working in the ruins in the haunted quadran of Spiralai. In the final stage of disease, the infected person, generate a smal discharge of electricity, which would interact with any metalic object around them, charging them with electricity, that will jump to anyone who is around at the time.


The newly infected person doesn't show any symptons for around 3 days. Around the 3rd day, if he tries to use a artifact or cypher or he is around anyone who tries to use it. It will malfactuion randonly. This effect will last for around 24 hours, the person can find themselves also full of energy and have a pleasant tingling sensation under their skin. This happens because, a electrical charge is building inside their body. In the last 3 hours, this electricity will interact with anything metalic they encounter, making them levitate. Those object will continue to levitate, until someone enter in contact with them. After the infection, they will drop. In the final stage, the electricity buiding inside will liberate violently, in the equivalent of a being hit by a lightning. Most people die on this stage, but not all.


There no treatment found for this disease. Once they correlation between the symtopns and the disease was stablished. Finding somewhere to ground yourself and hope you survive the final electricity discharge was the only thing one could do.

Cultural Reception

This disease origin is very unclear, so as everything misterious that happen in Spiralai after the ruins were discovered, it has been blamed for it. Increasing their legend. Becuase it took some time to associate, the apparent unrelated events of people continuously being hit by apparent lightning, the floating objects and the disease. By the time, the correlation was found, the disease has spread like wildfire. Even after the correlation was stablished and the disease curved, it plaged the imagination and action of the city, for quite some time. A wall, that could prevent electricity discharges was build to protect the affluent sector of the city and any cypher malfuntion or levitation would be cause to quarantine and investigate the individous carring it.
Nanite / Mechanical


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