
Basic Information


Contrary to their name, Amphi are not amphibians, they are humanoid crustaceans. Amphi come in two variants: crabfolk and lobsterfolk. Both variants are extremely bulky with an average height of 6’5 and an average weight of well over 300lbs. Because of their gargantuan shells and weight, they have a lack of mobility. In addition to this, they only have one usable hand. The other is a massive claw- an ancient weapon of a bygone and war-ridden time. This prevents them from operating two-handed weapons or machinery.

Genetics and Reproduction

Amphi have a form of stasis reproduction. Females can retain sperm for well over a year, allowing them to hatch their eggs in the most favorable season. This isn't very useful in modern times, but it was pivotal for their evolutionary domination.

Growth Rate & Stages

Amphi reach maturity at 18 and typically die at the 110 year mark. Amphi also gain weight at extreme speed so that they may obtain their huge size.

Ecology and Habitats

Amphi can live in both saltwater and freshwater, and can stay submerged for their entire lives. Nevertheless, they still surface once or twice a day to get some fresh air. Their gills can get tired after prolonged use, and so they switch to their lungs when on land.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Amphi eat much more than humans, but can survive off of even less.


From the outside, Amphi society seems enigmatic and isolationist. However, those who have met Amphi know what they're truly like. They are lighthearted, outgoing, and friendly people (with severe alcoholism). A human scholar once joked, “if someone introduced the Amphi to drugs like opium, we would see the biggest loss of an empire since the war.” These both water and air breathing crustaceans were introduced to drugs by the Quibbo shortly after, but they were quickly outlawed due to the discovery of lasting health issues. As retaliation, the Amphi began splashing Quibbo with alcohol- making the discovery that Quibbo can, in fact, become drunk.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

One of the strangest parts of an Amphi's face is their eyes. They are suspended above the rest of the head and can be moved in a 360 degree angle. Since they have extreme difficulty turning their heads, this is incredibly useful.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Amphi live across the Old World, but primarily in regions with large amounts of water. They are mostly found on the shores of Utopian.

Average Intelligence

They have humanlike intelligence, however they do seem to have a knack for military strategy because of times long-gone.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Amphi have human-level sensory capabilities in everything but taste. Their taste is far, far greater than any other race. It is highly difficult for Amphi to eat anything but what they enjoy most.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Amphi born and raised in Utopian are typically given an adjective for a name during their naming ceremony. Naming ceremonies take place once one has become 18 years of age. The reasons for this are most likely instinctual through evolution due to the low survival rates of their babies in ancient times.

Major Organizations

Amphi are part of the Utopian Dominion, an isolationist state run by both Amphi and Quibbo statesmen.

Courtship Ideals

The Amphi feel love just like humans do, and this does apply for races outside of their own.

Average Technological Level

Amphi have the most advanced medicine in all of the Old World due to their past wars. Other than that, their technology is dormant with the rest of the region.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Quibbo and Amphi both speak Aquan and Common

Common Dress Code

Amphi do not have to wear clothes in their society, but they often do to display their personalities or protect themselves from danger.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Amphi culture revolves around protecting their friends and those who are less fortunate. Philanthropy and charity are highly regarded amongst their society. If a major disaster happens in another nation, the Amphi will always be the first to help.


The Amphi were conceived from the shallow shores of Utopian. They were once a warlike race, constantly infighting, until they met the Quibbo. The Quibbo showed them how to be content with what they had, and even went so far as to co-found a nation with them. The Amphi dedicated much of their newfound strength to protecting the Quibbo, who they saw as their younger brothers. One day, however, a plague-bearing (and now extinct) species came, whose arrival was seen as a declaration of war. The Amphi were caught in a brutal war for several decades, developing incredible sanitation and medicinal advancements. In the meantime, the disease-resistant Quibbo hammered the creatures with their devoted spellcasters. In the end, the outsiders were cast away from the island forever. Other than medicine, Amphi society began focusing on alcohol and partying. The once warlike race had become lighthearted protectors of their greatest friends.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Amphi are accepting towards any race, but they are a naturally cautious people. With Quibbo they are quick to trust, but members of other races will take some time. There is virtually no discrimination towards others.. Unless you're a Plaguebearer.
Scientific Name
Mordere manus
110 years.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Both variants of Amphi are extremely bulky with an average height of 6’5 and an average weight of well over 300lbs. Because of their gargantuan shells and weight, they have a lack of mobility. Body Tint, Colouring and Marking Amphi can be virtually any color.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Amphi can be practically any color.


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