Autumnia Tree

Autumnia Trees, originally native to Prythwyn, was accidentally introduced to Alterra and has since become a notable presence in its landscapes. This tree is easily recognizable by its leaves, which display a vibrant palette of yellow, red, and orange year-round, reminiscent of autumn foliage. The introduction of the Autumnia Tree to Alterra occurred through the inadvertent transport of its seeds by early settlers and traders. Despite its non-native status, the tree has adapted well to Alterra's environment and is now found in various regions.

The Autumnia Tree has gained popularity among Alterran settlers for its ornamental value and the aesthetic appeal it brings to gardens and public spaces. However, its rapid spread has also raised concerns about its impact on local ecosystems. Efforts are ongoing to monitor and manage its growth to prevent it from outcompeting native species. In Prythwyn, the tree holds cultural significance and is often associated with the Autumnian League.

by Wayfair


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