Burnberry Bush

The Burnberry Bush is a hardy plant native to the diverse landscapes of Alterra, known for producing small, bright red berries that are highly nutritious. The bush thrives in a variety of environments, from temperate forests to rocky hillsides, and is easily recognized by its dense foliage and clusters of berries. These berries are a valuable food source, providing a concentrated amount of energy and nutrients, making them a popular choice among travelers and settlers. However, the consumption of Burnberries comes with a significant psychological effect that users must consider.

When eaten, Burnberries have the unique property of drastically amplifying the emotional state of the person who consumes them. The effect is immediate and intense, causing emotions to surge to extreme levels. If the individual is experiencing anger, it can escalate into uncontrollable rage; if they are feeling joy, it can transform into a state of euphoric bliss. This emotional amplification makes Burnberries both sought after and feared, as they can enhance positive experiences or exacerbate negative ones. Due to these potent effects, Burnberries are often consumed with caution.

by Anna Louise


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