
The Cannabush is a red fern-like bush native to Alterra, known for its three distinct variants, each with unique properties that can be harnessed for temporary benefits. These plants have been used for various purposes, particularly in the creation of potent drugs that offer significant but short-lived effects. The smallest variant of the Cannabush, often referred to as "Mender's Leaf," is particularly notable for its ability to rapidly mend minor wounds when smoked. The plant's healing properties are highly sought after, but its use comes with a serious drawback: it is highly addictive. Users who rely on Mender's Leaf often find themselves dependent on it, with severe withdrawal symptoms that include intense cravings, physical pain, and psychological distress.

The second variant of the Cannabush, known as "Restorative Chew," has leaves that can be chewed to invoke the spell effect of Minor Restoration. This effect is useful for alleviating fatigue, minor curses, or other small ailments, making it a popular choice for adventurers and healers alike. However, the use of Restorative Chew comes at a cost. While the user benefits from the restorative effect, they also experience a temporary reduction in physical strength. This side effect means that while the drug can help in recovery, it may also leave the user more vulnerable in physical confrontations or labor-intensive tasks during its duration.

The third and largest variant of the Cannabush, called "Wrathsmoke," is the most potent and dangerous of the three. When smoked in the correct amount, Wrathsmoke temporarily grants the user increased strength and agility, making them more formidable in combat or physical challenges. However, the dosage must be precisely measured; too little will have no effect, while too much can cause the user to experience intense pain, leaving them writhing on the ground and incapacitated for a short period of time.


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