Crew of a Galleon

Galleons are one of the largest ships in all of Numira. They usually have three to four decks, and require twenty to eighty crew members depending on what they're used for. Most of the crew is assigned to simple tasks like loading cannons, cleaning, and performing other maintanance on the ship. The skilled members of the crew, however, are assigned to roles like navigator and helmsman. Each of the positions are based upon a certain skill, like perception and survival. The following is a list of roles and their assigned skill. They can be filled by either PCs or NPCs.   Helmsman - Sleight of Hand (Dexterity). A Helmsman steers the ship's wheel and orders the rigging of sails.   Navigator - Survival (Wisdom). Navigators use maps, compasses, the wind, and other tools to discern where the ship is and where it must go.   Chief Gunner - Athletics (Strength). Chief Gunners order the firing and reloading of cannons, and fire them alongside of the crew.   Lookout - Perception (Wisdom). Lookouts man the crow's nest, and are responsible for locating islands, ships, and sea creatures.   Quartermaster - Investigation (Intelligence). Quartermasters manage the ship's supplies, weapons, and other items in the hold.   Cook - Survival (Wisdom). Cooks prepare meals and brews for the ship's crew. They also manage ingredients.   Doctor - Medicine (Wisdom). Doctors keep the crew healthy and conduct surgeries as needed.   Carpenter - Athletics (Strength). Carpenters maintain and repair the ship when it takes damage or wears down.   Entertainer - Performance (Charisma). Entertainers keep the crew's morale up via poetry and/or music.   Priest - Religion (Intelligence). Priests conduct all religious affairs on the ship, no matter their patron.   Officer - History (Intelligence). Officers write and update the ship's logbook and write session recaps.   Biologist - Nature (Wisdom). Biologists keep track of the flora and fauna that the crew encounters.    


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