Death and Revival

"Whoever you once loved, hated, or didn't know- you must burn. Sons to mothers, brothers to sisters, and strangers to strangers, it matters not. They will arise and rip you apart, limb by limb."
When a sapient creature perishes, they are sent to the Soul Court, an otherwordly realm where all fallen mortals go to be judged. No matter the afterlife they are given, Vulotl will take their soul and use it as a sort of fuel for the world's magic. After their soul has been taken, every unburned humanoid corpse sooner or later wakes up as an undead looking for blood. In almost every part of Numira, it is a tradition and necessity to burn bodies after death. Some cultures have alternatives, however, like dumping the bodies into sea or crushing them to use as fertilizer.   Once someone is dead, there are hardly any viable methods of ressurection. Some spells may revive a still corpse, but they will still turn undead after a short period of time. Some have cheated death by making a deal with one of the gods, but it is never favorable for the mortal. Every god has an agenda, and they won't feel sorrow about using a souless husk to complete it.


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