Explorer's Guild

  • Guild representing many explorers and the Middle Kingdoms.
  • Their goal is to fully explore and chart Alterra.
  • They have guild halls in colonies and scattered representatives.
  • Quests include exploring, dungeoneering, and charting maps.
  • Provides money or supplies as a reward.

Public Agenda

The medieval Explorer's Guild, under the leadership of Lord Gilligan Connally, stands as a formidable entity dedicated to the meticulous exploration and comprehensive charting of every expanse within the New World, known as Alterra. Scattered across continents, rivers, and seas, the guild's members traverse uncharted territories with unwavering determination. Their mission transcends boundaries, as they endeavor to uncover the mysteries veiled within Alterra's landscapes and document every discovered inch with meticulous detail. Led by Lord Connally's strategic vision, the Explorer's Guild operates as a cohesive force, unified in its pursuit of geographical enlightenment and the expansion of knowledge across the vast expanses of the New World.

Never Venture Out Alone

Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Parent Organization


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