
Fateflowers are a plant found in the remote regions of Alterra, known for their vibrant purple blossoms that bloom in intricate patterns. These flowers, while visually striking, are highly radioactive to the touch. The radiation emitted by Fateflowers is potent enough to cause severe harm to any creature that comes into direct contact with them, making them a significant hazard in the areas where they grow. Despite this, the flowers continue to thrive, supported by the pollinators that visit them.

Pollinators in Alterra exhibit a unique resistance to the radiation of Fateflowers, allowing them to interact with the plant without suffering any ill effects. These creatures, which include certain species of insects and small birds, are the only known organisms with this resistance, making them crucial to the Fateflower’s life cycle. They are able to feed on the nectar and spread pollen without being harmed, ensuring the continued reproduction and survival of the plant.

by Valery Rybakow


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