
The Featherfern is a versatile plant native to Alterra, found in various environments ranging from dense forests to damp marshlands. These ferns are easily recognized by their soft, feather-like fronds that vary greatly in size, from small ground-covering varieties to large, towering specimens. The plant is notable for its dangerous magical property: it releases spores when disturbed, which, when inhaled, make those affected more vulnerable to physical attacks such as bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing.

The vulnerability caused by inhaling Featherfern spores lasts for a short period, during which the affected individual’s skin and tissues become temporarily weakened. This makes them more susceptible to injuries from physical impacts, cutting, or stabbing. The spores’ effect poses a significant risk to anyone passing through areas where Featherferns are common, especially in regions where natural hazards or predators are present.

by Leah Kohlenberg


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