Memory Cactus

The memory cactus is a sprawling green plant that thrives in the desert regions of Alterra's southern continent. Known for its ability to store large amounts of water, this cactus is an essential resource for survival in the harsh desert environment. The cactus has broad, thick pads that branch out in all directions, forming an extensive network of interconnected stems that can grow to impressive sizes. Its deep green hue and waxy surface help to minimize water loss through evaporation. This plant also features small, sharp spines that deter most desert creatures from feeding on it. During the rare rainfall, the cactus can absorb significant amounts of water, storing it within its tissues to endure the dry spells.

Beyond its practical uses, the memory cactus possesses a unique magical property. When the water stored within the cactus is consumed, the drinker may experience a vivid vision. This vision will either show a horrifying future event or replay a traumatic memory from the drinker’s past. The exact nature of the vision is unpredictable, and it varies greatly among individuals. It is unknown if the future events seen are just a figment of the victim's imagination or if it somehow portrays what will occur. Despite the potential psychological impact of these visions, the cactus remains a critical source of hydration in the desert. However, its use is often approached with caution by desert dwellers and travelers, who must weigh the need for water against the risk of seeing unsettling visions.

by Danett Britt

Cover image: by Miguel Camarena


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