Numiran Historical Timeline

  • 0 FE

    The Second Era Begins
    Era beginning/end

  • 1 SE

    Serenith is settled

    In the year one of the second era, the now-metropolis of Serenith was founded. It was once a small farming town on the Midland River.

  • 2 SE

    The Dwarven Kingdoms Unite

    After several millennia of existence, the Dwarven Kingdoms finally united under the banner of the Dwarven Empire. This superstate would rule over the land for many more centuries.

  • 2 SE

    14 SE

    Plaguebearer War
    Military: War

    In times long passed, an ancient race of plague-bearing reptiles attacked the Amphi. Thousands died to the plague, but the Amphi emerged victorious eventually.

  • 14 SE

    Plaguebearers Driven to Extinction

    After 12 years of war, the Amphi and Quibbo drove the plague bearing species into extinction.

  • 20 SE

    First Steel is Forged
    Technological achievement

  • 29 SE

    31 SE

    Echo Unification Wars
    Military: War

    For three years, the different nations of the sky islands had fought amongst each other. The combat was vicious.

  • 31 SE

    The Echo Dominion is Founded

    Once the Echo Unification Wars ended, the inhabitants of the many sky islands had united under a new banner- the Echo Dominion's.

  • 56 SE

    Orcish Exile to the Alpine
    Population Migration / Travel

    Equipped with far superior steel weapons and armor, the Orcish hordes stood no chance to the dwarves. They were forced to migrate into the southern side of the Alpine.

  • 58 SE


    Goblinese Exile to the Alpine
    Population Migration / Travel

    Once the orcs fled, the goblins had no defenses against dwarven axes and hammers. They migrated south as well.

  • 63 SE

    Kobold Exile to Autumn
    Population Migration / Travel

    Only five years after the goblins were exiled by the dwarves, the kobolds were exiled into Autumnia by the elves and fey. They were ill-prepared for Elven ambushes along the way, however.

  • 64 SE

    The Powder Keg Explodes
    Disaster / Destruction

    The orcs and goblins from the north and the kobolds from the south were a recipe for disaster. Eventually, the powder keg being unintentionally set up by fey and dwarf exploded.

  • 64 SE

    1313 SE

    The Human Dark Ages
    Political event

    Once the orcs, goblins, and kobolds were all pushed into the middle of Prythwyn, the humans stood no chance. This, combined with poor medicinal and agricultural technology, set them up for disaster. Humanity would stay in this dark age for over one thousand years.

  • 68 SE

    209 SE

    The Elven Golden Age
    Cultural event

    With the exile of kobolds and the blessing from the gods, the Elves were sent flying into a golden age. A golden age that would have a magnificent downward spiral.

  • 68 SE

    Fey's Blessing
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The God of Nature, Life, and Agriculture bestowed a blessing upon the elves. One that we still don't understand to this day. Whatever it was, it set them up for success.

  • 83 SE

    Udivan Dominion Founded

    Many decades after the extinction of the Plaguebearers, the Amphi and Quibbo formed the Udivan Dominion.

  • 95 SE

    The Doomed Voyage
    Disaster / Destruction

    An Autumnian elf by the name of Beau Stanford ventured into the fog with his galley and crew. The voyage was doomed to fail, however, and the ship was never seen again.

  • 103 SE

    117 SE

    Archipelago War
    Military: War

    Many island towns exist on the coasts of the Westpassage Archapelago, and none of them were federated at the time. One of the more militaristic towns decided to conquer the rest in the year 103.

  • 117 SE

    Archipelagan Hegemony Founded

    After over a decade of war, the attacking force became head of a new superstate in the Archipelago. One that ruled with an iron fist.

  • 119 SE

    The Serenithian Chiefdom Founded

    In 119SE, the city of Serenith had become far larger than it once was. Eventually a chiefdom was born in its place.

  • 149 SE

    151 SE

    Siege of Yellow Bay
    Military: Battle

    The massive influx of orcs, goblins, and kobolds would inevitably result in the sacking and sieging of many human towns. One of which was the siege of Yellow Bay, which lasted three years and resulted in an orcish victory.

  • 163 SE

    The Wild Hunt Begins
    Military: War

    "The gods have ordained our victory. It is our destiny to eliminate the industrial dwarves, the idiotic green ones, and the starving peasants. We will create a new form of order in this world forevermore, the natural order."

  • 163 SE

    Sacking of Rivergate
    Military: Skirmish

    The roaming horde of kobolds had eventually travelled west of Eastmarsh, sacking the town of Rivergate.

  • 163 SE

    Eastmarsh is Razed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Eastmarsh, a swamp town in the southern bogs, was razed to the ground by a horde of ravenous kobolds. This horde would eventually return in a few years to settle where the town had been.

  • 164 SE

    Udivan Dominion Joins Against The Wild Hunt
    Military action

    Only a year after the Wild Hunt began, the Udivan Dominion leapt into the war to defend humanity and its allies.

  • 166 SE

    Northbog Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

    Once quibbo and amphi troops finally landed on the mainland, they were slaughtered in an ambush at Northbog. They were forced to retreat back to Udiva to recover.

  • 167 SE

    The Serenithian Chiefdom Collapses

    Without any leader or successor, the Serenithian Chiefdom simply could not continue. This newfound disorganization would cripple the Midland war effort.

  • 167 SE

    Archipelagan Hegemony Joins Against The Wild Hunt
    Military action

    The men and women of Westpassage knew that the elves would come for them eventually, and decided to strike first. They joined the war against the fey.

  • 167 SE

    Battle of Quilport
    Military: Battle

    Quilport, the lifeblood of Autumnia, was assaulted by the WIld Hunt in 167 SE. Luckily, the chief of the Serenithians lead a massive charge against the elves. They were defeated, but at the cost of his life.

  • 167 SE

    Death of the Chief
    Life, Death

    The chief's sacrifice in Quilport would be just another unfortunate event in the next few decades.

  • 169 SE

    Battle for Serenith
    Military: Battle

    With the collapse of the Serenithian Chiefdom, the capital of Prythwyn was easy pickings. The Wild Hunt drove out many innocent civilians, with most of them fleeing to a nearby island.

  • 175 SE

    Autumnians Found Free Autumnburg

    The refugees from the Delta fled out west, to an island known as Driftrock. There they would establish the city known as Free Autumnburg.

  • 175 SE

    179 SE

    The Droughton Offensive
    Military action

    Westpassage forces caught the Wild Hunt off-guard at Droughton with a militia off ill-trained and ill-equipped soldiers. Luckily for them though, they had surprise on their side. The elves were slowly beaten back, inch by inch.

  • 180 SE

    Rivergate is Reclaimed
    Military action

    By the end of the Droughton Offensive, Archipelagan forces had swept through and reclaimed the town of Rivergate. It wouldn't be much longer that they would be on the offensive, however.

  • 181 SE

    192 SE

    The Struggle
    Military: Battle

    When the dust from their recent defeats settled, the Wild Hunt was forced into an eleven year-long back and forth. Thousands would die on both sides, including noncombatants.

  • 192 SE

    The Dwarven Empire Joins Against The Wild Hunt
    Military action

    "This knife-eared threat has gone on for too long. It is 'er time that we, the children of stone and metal, end this. It is not our care for the humans that provoke our steel, but the audacity of those pompous pricks."

  • 193 SE

    The Nhylren Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    Once the dwarven legion had finally reached elven land, they were in a deep bloodlust. Soldiers went through the town of Nhylren, massacring any fey in their path, civilians included.

  • 194 SE

    195 SE

    Siege of Umetholon
    Military: Battle

    In the last few years of the war, the Dwarven Empire and Westpassage's combined forces pushed the Wild Hunt onto the Umetholon Peaks.

  • 199 SE

    The Serenithian Empire is Founded

    Now that the fey races were pushed back into the south, humanity had a moment of respite. They quickly formed a new superstate, the Serenithian Empire.

  • 207 SE

    Sacking of Kaluna
    Military: Skirmish

    While the Wild Hunt was stuck retreating through the Feywood Tropics, the dwarven legion looted and rampaged through Kaluna, capital of the Wild Hunt.

  • 208 SE

    The Dwarven Empire Seizes the Feywood Tropics
    Military: Battle

  • 209 SE

    The Wild Hunt Ends

    Roughly two centuries after the Wild Hunt began, it was finally crushed by the combined might of humanity and dwarves.

  • 244 SE

    The Middle Kingdoms Are Established

    A new human nation, one north of Serenith and south of the Alpines, was springing into action. They formed the Middle Kingdoms.

  • 249 SE

    Cyraneed Empire Rises From The Ashes

    From the ashes of the Wild Hunt, the Cyraneed Empire would rise. They would admit no wrongdoings, even to this day.

  • 284 SE

    Rake Hegarty Goes Missing
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Rake Hegarty, an elven explorer from Westpassage, had ventured out east into the Hidden Woods. There he would go missing for an entire two years.

  • 286 SE

    Rake Hegarty Found - Mechromancers Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    After everyone had long forgotten Rake Hegarty, he finally emerged from the valley alive. He brought news of men made of metal with hearts of blue.

  • 346 SE

    1326 SE

    Dwarven Golden Age
    Cultural event

    With the Midlands crippled, the Wild Hunt gone, and the men of green expelled, the dwarves were thrusted into an almost thousand-year-long golden age. They would grow too trusting of their power, however, until the point where any incursion would catch them off guard.

  • 346 SE

    Amphi & Quibbo Withdraw
    Political event

    Still somber from their defeat in Northbog, the Udivan Dominion would withdraw all diplomatic ties to Prythwyn. This wouldn't last forever though.

  • 398 SE

    Wild Hunt Persecutions
    Political event

    The still-living officers of the Wild Hunt were hunted down and persecuted by militias from Quilport. All that were caught received immediate execution, but many managed to flee in time.

  • 414 SE

    453 SE

    The Greenskin Exterminations
    Military: War

    Once the Middle Realms had finally constructed a standing army, they began exterminating goblins and orcs from the savannas. This would allow their nation to prosper, and another to spring up.

  • 444 SE

    Valleyhome is Founded

    Valleyhome, a city inbetween two massive mountain chains, would be founded during the Greenskin Extermination. Their economy would be bolstered through arms-deals to the dwarves and humans.

  • 453 SE

    The Satyr-Dwarn Alliance is Formed
    Diplomatic action

    The Dwarven Empire grew fond of Valleyhome's arms-dealing satyr. After a few years of discussions, the Satyr-Dwarn Alliance would be created.

  • 498 SE

    The First Midland Summit
    Gathering / Conference

    The Midland Summit is a conference of renowned scholars and leaders from across Prythwyn. The first of which occured in 498, while humanity was still recovering from the Wild Hunt and hordes of green men.

  • 540 SE

    Steel Weaponry Is Commonplace
    Technological achievement

  • 684 SE

    Autumnians Seek Independence
    Diplomatic action

    Citizens of Autumnia often felt disconnected from the Serenithians, and in 684 SE they had requested independence. This request was never fulfilled.

  • 702 SE

    731 SE

    The War of Two Sisters
    Military: War

    Chktari and Gloria, the gods of Victory and Defeat, had long been at each other's throats. But never like this. The two gods directly intervened with their followers to fight amongst each other. Thousands would die over the course of 29 years over a petty squabble.

  • 706 SE

    Merrimouth is Sacked
    Military: Battle

    During the War of Two Sisters, Merrimouth was sacked. They wouldn't recover for several decades.

  • 708 SE

    758 SE

    The Kremera War
    Military: War

    For fifty years, a paladin of Kremera paramilitary group raided the Feywood Tropics. They sought vengeance for the long-gone Wild Hunt. They were eventually crushed after falling into an Autumnian ambush.

  • 822 SE

    Serenith Crushes Opposition
    Military: Skirmish

    Within only two months, the Serenithian Empire crushed all resistance in Fertalia, ending their short-lived freedom.

  • 822 SE

    Fertalia Secedes
    Diplomatic action

    Fertalia, a dissident town in the Serenithian Empire, seceded from the empire due to extremely high taxes on their crops.

  • 891 SE

    909 SE

    Second Archipelagan War
    Military: War

    The Archipelagan Hegemony had long struggled with internal politics, but this occasion was different. Several towns rose up and gathered rebel militias, marching against their tyrant leader. It was a long and brutal war, but in 909 SE it resulted in a rebel victory.

  • 909 SE

    The Archipelago Republics are Founded

    After the hegemony was defeated, the Archipelagan Republics were founded.

  • 938 SE

    977 SE

    The Sleeping Plague Strikes Humanity
    Disaster / Destruction

    When things finally started going right for humanity, the sleeping plague struck. It put anyone who caught the plague into an unstoppable coma. Fortunately it ended in 977.

  • 981 SE

    Estimated Disappearance of the Hidden
    Disaster / Destruction

    The hidden, an ancient civilization in the New World, were estimated to entirely disappear in 981 SE.

  • 1009 SE

    1058 SE

    The Greenwar
    Military: War

    The Greenwar was a war between orcs and goblins in the Alpines, which gave humanity and the dwarves some leisure time. The war was a stalemate, leaving thousands dead.

  • 1058 SE

    Orcs & Goblins Unite
    Diplomatic action

    The only real result of the Greenwar was orcs and goblins uniting under one flag.

  • 1112 SE

    1114 SE

    The Serenith Incursion
    Military: Battle

    Over fifty years after the uniting of orcs and goblins, they would lead a mighty siege on Serenith that lasted for two years. They were eventually beaten back into the Middle Kingdoms, and after that the Alpines.

  • 1113 SE

    Matchlock Muskets Are Invented
    Technological achievement

    Matchlock Muskets were the first reliable firearms in Numira. Bows took years of training and great physical endurance, while muskets could be given to peasants with little to no training. All they had to do was face the barrel of the rifle towards an opponent and light the powder. It rendered heavy metal armor useless.

  • 1161 SE

    1174 SE

    The Peasant Risings

    Now armed with muskets capable of obliterating highly trained soldiers, peasants rose up all across the Serenithian Empire and Middle Kingdoms. They eventually won the war, changing some of the legislation in the two nations.

  • 1174 SE

    Serenith Abolishes Knighthood

    The most important thing that changed after the Peasant Risings was the abolition of knighthood in Serenith. The government became far more centralized.

  • 1206 SE

    1209 SE

    Orcish Siege of Konbuldhir
    Military: Battle

    For the first time in centuries, orcs travelled north to attack the Dwarven Empire. They had grown stagnant over the years spent in the luxurious dwarven caverns, and were ill-prepared for the coming siege.

  • 1209 SE

    Konbuldhir is Overrun
    Military: Battle

    Konbuldhir was overrun after the three-year long siege. The dwarves inside were slaughtered, as there was nowhere to flee.

  • 1214 SE

    Kobolds Seek Asylum in Eastmarsh

    Nearly a millennium ago, kobold warriors travelled in a horde of raiding bandits. In 1214, however, they wished only for peace and to settle down. They sought asylum in Eastmarsh, the city they razed centuries ago.

  • 1244 SE

    Matchlock Weaponry is Commonplace

    Long after the invention of matchlock firearms, they had finally become the most commonly used ranged weapon in Prythwyn.

  • 1260 SE

    1293 SE

    The Chktari Holy War
    Military: War

    Yet again, Chktari and Gloria quarrel. This time though, Gloria was the aggressor. The war tore apart families and had immense loss of life.

  • 1298 SE

    The Autumnwood Dynasty Begins
    Life, Milestone

    The first Autumnwood came to power as the king of Serenith. This dynasty still holds power today, just not in the same nation.

  • 1304 SE

    Orcs Migrate North
    Population Migration / Travel

    The remaining orcs in human territory migrate north to raze and pillage dwarven settlements.

  • 1307 SE

    1321 SE

    Siege of the Khildum
    Military: Battle

    Orcs and goblins laid siege to the capital of the Dwarven Empire, Khildum. For 14 years they struggled against one another, until the capital was taken. This was the greatest disaster the Dwarven Empire has ever faced.

  • 1313 SE

    1649 SE

    Humanity Enters The Golden Age
    Cultural event

    With the decline and collapse of the Dwarven Empire, as well as the migration of orcs and kobolds, humanity finally had time to grow and prosper. This golden age has lasted for centuries, and still exists today.

  • 1322 SE

    King Ofren Stonecarver Dies
    Life, Death

    Just a year after the dwarven capital fell, King Ofren Stonecarver died in his sleep.

  • 1323 SE

    1326 SE

    Dwarven Power Vacuum

    With the death of the great King Ofren Stonecarver, the Dwarven Empire struggled to elect a new leader. This election would never be completed.

  • 1326 SE

    The Dwarven Empire Collapses

  • 1346 SE

    1348 SE

    The Failed Crusade
    Military: War

    In 1346 SE, the Middle Kingdoms attempted to launch a crusade on the Serenithian Empire. This attempt was unsuccessful and ended without a victor.

  • 1353 SE

    Hollowhill Joins The Serenithian Empire
    Diplomatic action

    Hollowhill, the only dwarven hold to the south of the Numerians, decided to join the Serenithian Empire in 1353 SE. This would leave only one hold to the dying Dwarven Remnants.

  • 1359 SE

    The Second Midland Summit
    Gathering / Conference

    The Midland Summit was called for a second time in 1359 to discuss the orc threat and the collapse of the Dwarven Empire. It also discussed things such as Autumnia's wish for independence. It was ordained that they would be able to secede in three years.

  • 1362 SE

    Autumnia Secedes
    Political event

    Three years to the day, Autumnia seceded from the Serenithian Empire. The empire was most certainly unhappy with this outcome, however, and it would have repercussions in the future.

  • 1363 SE

    Autumnwood Dynasty Changes Allegiance
    Life, Relocation

    A year after the Autumnian League gained its independence, the Autumnwood Dynasty changed its allegiance. The Serenithian Empire was headed by a new family from there on out.

  • 1365 SE

    Verne Cuthbert Invents The Telescope
    Technological achievement

    Verne Cuthbert, a scholar from the Cyraneed Empire, invented the rudimentary telescope in 1365. It was able to see distant celestial objects such as planets and nearby asteroids.

  • 1374 SE

    Serenith Outlaws Chktari Worship
    Religious event

  • 1379 SE

    The Fog Cloud Expands By Fourteen Miles

  • 1384 SE

    Earthquakes Cripple Udiva
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 1384, a massive earthquake wreaked havoc through the Udivan Dominion. It severely crippled many of their finest settlements.

  • 1385 SE

    Udiva Denies Foreign Aid
    Political event

    Despite the severity of the natural disaster, Udiva denied all foreign aid.

  • 1402 SE

    The Cyraneed Empire Remilitarizes
    Military action

    For the first time since the Wild Hunt, the elves of the Cyraneed Empire created a standing army. Historians were frightened by this discovery.

  • 1430 SE

    Flintlock Weaponry Is Invented
    Technological achievement

    In 1430 SE a game-changing new firearm was created with a flintlock ignition system. This is the most commonly used type of rifle in modern day.

  • 1444 SE

    1604 SE

    The "Renaissance"
    Cultural event

    The "Renaissance", or rebirth, came about in 1444 after the somewhat recent collapse of the Dwarven Empire. Other races dug through the ruins of once dwarven settlements, discovering many ancient yet superior technologies.

  • 1458 SE

    1460 SE

    Cyraneed-Autumnian Border Conflict
    Military: War

    A few border skirmishes occurred over the span of two years between the Cyraneed Empire and the Autumnian League.

  • 1474 SE

    Udiva Recovers
    Financial Event

    After many years, Udiva had finally fully recovered from the gargantuan earthquake they had experienced.

  • 1481 SE

    The Southwall Address
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Our once magnificent people lived in the beatiful halls of our splendorous mountain holds. Now we scurry in caves and forests like rats, like animals. We are a dying people, yet there is still hope for the future. Someday us dwarves may seize our mighty holds and reclaim them for the glory of the new Dwarven Empire. Preserve your strength, bearded ones, and we may yet return north of the Numerians."

  • 1482 SE

    Modern Borders Are Cemented
    Political event

    Current day borders were achieved in 1482 SE. There has been no change since then.

  • 1499 SE

    1507 SE

    The Maritime Revolution
    Technological achievement

    For eight years, the races of Prythwyn finally began expanding into the sea. New naval technologies would be created in a rapid manner.

  • 1504 SE

    The Modern Galleon Is Invented
    Technological achievement

  • 1507 SE

    The First Man'o War Sets Sail
    Technological achievement

  • 1511 SE

    1518 SE

    The Westpassage Crusade
    Military: War

    Westpassage, a land of vast religious diversity, was attacked by Autumnia in 1511. The war would last seven years, and result in new legislation within the league.

  • 1519 SE

    Autumnia Passes The Secular Act
    Religious event

    From the ashes of the Westpassage Crusade came the Secular Act, a piece of Autumnian legislation that separated the church and state.

  • 1520 SE

    Serenith Denounces Autumnia
    Political event

  • 1521 SE

    The Cyraneed Empire Denounces Autumnia
    Political event

  • 1527 SE

    1530 SE

    The Cyraneed Inquisition
    Religious event

    During the Cyraneed Inquisition, the primarily kobold population of Eastmarsh was forced out of their religious beliefs.

  • 1546 SE

    The Exploration of Frostrise
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Dwarven Empire made grand maps of Frostrise in the past, but no other nation had sent expeditions there yet. 1546 SE would be the year where this changed, but nothing of note would be found there.

  • 1547 SE

    1552 SE

    Construction of the Oracle
    Construction beginning/end

    The Cyraneed Empire completed construction of the Oracle, a massive arcane tower looking over the Feywood Tropics in 1552. The construction lasted five years.

  • 1549 SE

    Serenith Legalizes Slavery
    Political event

  • 1550 SE

    The Cyraneed Empire Legalizes Slavery
    Political event

  • 1552 SE

    Autumnia, Valleyhome, and Udiva Denounce Slavery
    Political event

  • 1557 SE

    The Dwarven Remnants Unite
    Diplomatic action

    Ever since the end of the Dwarven Golden Age, the remnants of the empire were scattered and torn apart. They would finally be united in 1557.

  • 1559 SE

    The Laws of Gravity & Motion Are Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

  • 1562 SE

    Scholars Study The Fog

  • 1575 SE

    Orcs & Goblins Migrate Into Lost Holds
    Population Migration / Travel

    Now that most of the holds were ravaged, orcs and goblins took over the dwarven cities as their own. They would live there and defile the monuments of the past.

  • 1579 SE

    Echoes Make Landfall
    Population Migration / Travel

    For the first time in known history, the Echoes would leave their sky islands and join the rest of Prythwyn's races.

  • 1579 SE

    The Twin Isles Disaster

    The Twin Isles Disaster was a tragedy beyond the believe of many Archipelagans. Two commercial ferries were highjacked, with one slamming into the eastern isle. The second ship hit the other isle shortly after. There were no survivors onboard.

  • 1589 SE

    Sea Serpent Obliterates The Dwarven Navy
    Disaster / Destruction

    The remainder of the dwarven navy was sunk by a sea serpent off the coast of Frostrise.

  • 1592 SE

    1601 SE

    Mass Dwarven Suicide
    Life, Death

    Three years after the dwarven navy was eviscerated, many dwarves would commit suicide because of their loss of hope.

  • 1594 SE

    Valleyhome's Economy Collapses
    Financial Event

    Without any major trade partners, Valleyhome's delicate economy entirely collapsed. It would take decades to fully recover.

  • 1599 SE

    Astronomers Spot Incoming Unknown Object
    Discovery, Scientific

    With the invention of the telescope, scholars were able to witness the impending doom barreling towards Numira. They decided to keep the revelation a secret for years.

  • 1601 SE

    1625 SE

    The Great Numiran War
    Military: War

    With their failure to accept the empire's demands, the Autumnian League would be thrusted into the bloodiest war in known history. It lasted forty-seven years.

  • 1601 SE

    Serenith Demands Repealment
    Diplomatic action

    In 1601, the Serenithian Empire demanded that the Autumnian League would repeal the Secular Act. If Autumnia refused, there would be war.

  • 1602 SE

    The Battle of the Midland Plains
    Military: Battle

    During the siege of Quilport, Autumnian troops sallied out and attacked enemy forces in the Battle of the Midland Plains. The battle would result in an Autumnian loss.

  • 1602 SE

    1603 SE

    Quilport Goes Under Siege
    Military: Battle

    The first target of the Serenithian Empire was Quilport, the capital of the Autumnian League. After a year-long siege, King Autumnwood sacrificed his life to defeat the attacking forces.

  • 1603 SE

    Autumnwood Dies In Battle
    Life, Death

    "I need a division of two-thousand troops, all equipped with flintlock rifles and steel sabers. If I do not come back alive, crown my son. He's always been an intelligent young man."

  • 1604 SE

    Cyraneed & Valleyhome Intervention
    Military action

    Valleyhome joined on the side of Autumnia, while the Cyraneed Empire joined on the side of the Serenithian Empire. The elves, however, were merely using the war as an excuse to conquer Udivan.

  • 1606 SE

    Cyraneed Troops Attack Udiva
    Military: War

    After two years of preparation, the Cyraneed Empire finally launched a naval invasion of Udiva. They made landfall without any real resistance.

  • 1607 SE

    1610 SE

    The Siege of Serenith
    Military: Battle

    While the Serenithian Empire was still distracted with the Autumnian League, Valleyhome forces laid siege to Serenith. They would manage to conquer half of the city, but the other half remained within their enemy's control.

  • 1608 SE

    The Massacre of Aimuth
    Disaster / Destruction

    The unsuspecting quibbo and amphi citizens of Aimuth were attacked in the dead of night by Cyraneed forces. They stood no chance, and were slaughtered like cattle.

  • 1609 SE

    1610 SE

    The Dwarven Remnants Attempt Mediation
    Diplomatic action

    The Dwarven Remnants, the most war-torn of all nations, attempted to end the war with no success.

  • 1610 SE

    Serenithian Empire Declares Holy War
    Military: War

    To keep their citizens war approval rates high, the Serenithian Empire declared their war to be a holy war.

  • 1611 SE

    The Serenithian Empire Launches a Counteroffensive
    Military action

    A year after the declaration of a crusade, the Serenithian Empire launched a massive counteroffensive against the Autumnian League, changing the tide of war.

  • 1612 SE

    Droughton is Overrun
    Military: Skirmish

    Droughton was almost immediately overrun by enemy forces when the counterattack began.

  • 1613 SE

    1625 SE

    The Serenithian Empire Ceases All Diplomacy
    Political event

    Until the end of the war, the Serenithian Empire halted all communications with the other nations of the world. They were fully locked in battle.

  • 1614 SE

    The Eastmarsh Slaughter
    Disaster / Destruction

    The unsuspecting kobolds of Eastmarsh were attacked and slaughtered by the Serenithian military in 1614 SE. They didn't stand a chance.

  • 1614 SE

    The Archipelago Republics Intervene
    Military: War

    Seeing an opportunity to weaken Serenith, the Archipelago Republic intervened on the side of the Autumnian League.

  • 1616 SE

    Valleyhome Prevents The Second Wild Hunt
    Diplomatic action

    The Cyraneed Empire was infuriated at the killing of their kobold subjects, and were mere days away from declaring the Second Wild Hunt. Luckily Valleyhome was able to step in and deescalate.

  • 1617 SE

    The Great Mourning
    Cultural event

    The Dwarven Remnants dedicated a day to the Great Mourning, a "holiday" made to grieve the many fallen dwarves.

  • 1619 SE

    The Battle of Quilport Bay
    Military: Battle

    One of the first modern naval battles occurred in Quilport Bay in 1619 SE. The Autumnian League successfully repelled Serenithian ships, preventing a naval invasion.

  • 1619 SE

    The Weapons of War Are Revolutionized
    Technological achievement

    After years of study and invention, a hobgoblin scholar named Uden Waxing released hundreds of new revolutionary weapons into the world.

  • 1620 SE

    Valleyhome Withdraws
    Military action

    The peaceful citizenry of Valleyhome grew exhausted from the war, causing mass-protests and unrest. The nation withdrew from the war begrudgingly.

  • 1620 SE

    Udiva Repels Cyraneed Incursion
    Military: Battle

    Finally, after many years, Udiva's shores were freed from the attacking Cyraneed Empire. They immediately began repairs and a lifted standing army.

  • 1620 SE

    1622 SE

    The Echo Dominion Attempts Deescalation
    Diplomatic action

    The Echo Dominion, a peaceful and solitary nation, attempted to deescalate the war from the sidelines. It significantly reduced tensions between nations not yet in the war, but it continued on nevertheless.

  • 1625 SE

    The Treaty of Lizia
    Diplomatic action

    Finally, the bloodiest war in recorded history was ended wit hthe Treaty of Lizia. The Archipelago Republics held the peace talks within their capital city, far from the shores of the Midlands. The Serenithian Empire and Cyraneed Empire were both forces to lower the size of their armies to only 50,000 soldiers, and they were no longer expand beyond their borders.

  • 1627 SE

    Valleyhome Secularizes
    Religious event

    In 1627 Valleyhome's government passed a similar act to Autumnia's Secular Act. Church and state were thereby separated by law.

  • 1628 SE

    1631 SE

    Construction beginning/end

    After many years of war and death, reconstruction began across the Old World. Many nations requested and received foreign aid in hopes of greater cooperation within Numira.

  • 1629 SE

    The Udivan Dominion Passes the Citadel Act
    Political event

    After the war, the Udivan Dominion passed the Citadel Act, an act that ensured they would never be invaded again. They built massive fortifications surrounding Udiva, as well as several large fortresses fitted with gunpowder cannons.

  • 1631 SE

    Dwarven Refugees Seek Asylum
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the dust of conflict settled, dwarven refugees began flooding south in search of new fortune. Most ended up in the hold of Hollowhill.

  • 1631 SE

    1634 SE

    The Veteran Riots
    Civil action

    Veterans from many different nations rose up in what could only be considered riots. Many countries severely mistreated their veterans, and were held responsible for the horrible conditions.

  • 1635 SE

    The Celestial Object Grows Closer
    Discovery, Scientific

    When astronomers checked back in on the incoming celestial object, they were shocked to see it much closer than it was before. It seemed as if it would collide within a decade. Still, despite everything, they kept it hidden from the public.

  • 1636 SE

    The Archipelago Republics Obtain Highest GDP
    Financial Event

    As one of the few nations to not suffer from a major ground invasion, the Archipelago Republics obtain the highest GDP in the known world. They would use these finances to pursue a much larger navy.

  • 1637 SE

    Autumnia Crowns New King
    Political event

    The death of a great Autumnwood occured a couple dozen years prior, and the Autumnian League hadn't elected a new leader until the recent year of 1637 SE. The heir of the prior king was selected.

  • 1639 SE

    Serenith Fully Recovers
    Financial Event

    Albeit not militarily, the Serenithian economy fully recovered by 1639.

  • 1640 SE

    The Cyraneed Empire Establishes Freedom of Religion
    Civil action

  • 1642 SE

    The Dwarven Remnants Lose Hope & Stagnate
    Political event

    Promises of hope and newfound freedom were talked about ever since the collapse of the Dwarven Empire, but they never came true. Dwarves worldwide began losing hope, and the Dwarven Remnants did little to realize this dream.

  • 1643 SE

    Aarakocra Invent Artificial Wings
    Technological achievement

    Aarakocra, a fledgling race found in the mountains of Frostrise, managed to invent artificial wings for non-flying species within their tribes.

  • 1644 SE

    Celestial Object Collision "Imminent"
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Now aware of the celestial object's exact year of collison, astronomers revealed to the world that something would hit Numira in 1648. Revealing this information went about as smoothly as one would expect when facing certain death.

  • 1644 SE

    1647 SE

    Mass Panic Ensues
    Disaster / Destruction

    Now aware of a possible mass extinction event, panic ensued across Prythwyn.

  • 1647 SE

    The Gods Give Signs
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Vulotl, the god of the afterlife, gave signs to the people of Numira that they wouldn't be killed in the explosion. He even went so far as to reassure scholars in-person, or at least according to eyewitnesses.

  • 1648 SE

    8 Secondwinter

    The Meteor Clears the Fog & Collides With the New World
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The celestial object finally entered the atmosphere, and revealed itself as a massive glowing asteroid. It barreled over the ocean, pushing the fog cloud into the north and south poles. It then crashed in the newly-discovered continent of Alterra, clearing way for a new age.

  • 1648 SE

    9 Secondwinter

    The Age of Discovery Begins
    Era beginning/end

  • 1649 SE

    1 Firstspring

    The Third Midland Summit
    Gathering / Conference

    Almost immediately after the collision, the Midland Summit met to discuss the terms of exploration. They agreed that all nations not affected by the recent treaty were allowed to explore and colonize the new continent.

  • 1649 SE

    6 Secondspring

    First Two Colonies Are Established
    Construction beginning/end

    Two colonies were established in the first few months of the Age of Discovery, one called Rosehaven and another named Kharakdum. The colony of Rosehaven immediately broke the terms of the prior peace deal, yet no action has been taken to this day.

  • 1649 SE

    20 Thirdsummer

    The I.S.S. Autumnwood Sets Sail

    A group of colonists went missing in the New World, colonists that were attempting to set up an Autumnian Colony. To investigate what happened, a passenger ship captain is heading to the New World. On his ship is the crew and some unrelated passengers.


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