
Basic Information


Without any transformations, the Quibbo are just a puddle of thicker-than-usual water. Depending on how hydrated they are, they may take almost any form they want. This allowed the Quibbo to make limbs and hands for themselves. Most of them take up a non detailed humanoid form, but it is up to their choosing. Something to note is that they have no organs within them, just their thick, shining water.

Biological Traits

Quibbo are living formations of water that can shape themselves however they wish. The larger or smaller they make themselves, the more water they require.

Genetics and Reproduction

Quibbo reproduce via mitosis. They split much to the likeness of amoeba.

Ecology and Habitats

Quibbo are native to the temperate part of the ocean world Aufa. They were born from the water and require an abundance of it to survive outside of oceans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They frequently require water to replenish their form, but they do not have to consume food.


After centuries of camaraderie with the brotherly Amphi, Quibbo have become a lighthearted and cheerful race. The enjoy the simple parts of life, like drinking and swimming.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Quibbo can meld their face however they want, however the most common transformation is two eyes without a mouth or nose.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Quibbo live across Sector One, but primarily on worlds with extensive amounts of water. They are mostly found in the ocean of their homeworld Aufa, however.

Average Intelligence

Quibbo have human-like intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Quibbo have only three senses: touch, sight, and hearing. They can speak, but their words are slightly warbled.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Quibbo names are completely up to the newborn Quibbo since they are born as adults through mitosis.

Major Organizations

Quibbo are part of the Aufa Dominion, an isolationist state run by both Amphi and Quibbo statesmen.

Average Technological Level

Quibbbo are more or less behind in technology. They primarily use the arcane arts to get things done efficiently.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Quibbo and Amphi both speak Aquan and Common

Common Etiquette Rules

In the lighthearted Quibbo culture, swearing is a high offense. Very few Quibbo say such vulgar words.

Common Dress Code

There isn't really a need for Quibbos to wear clothing, but they do have "seashells" (not to be confused with actual shells) that allow them to wear clothing overtop their watery form.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Much of Quibbo culture is about the pursuit of happiness and arcane power. Magic is highly favored in their culture, as they use it to accomplish even the most meaningless tasks. Mage hand and minor illusion are used constantly.


The Quibbo are a peculiar race with a peculiar origin. At some point in history, large swathes of Utopian’s surrounding coasts came to life. These groups then split up over and over again, much to the likeness of mitosis in cells. The remnants of these divisions became what is now the Quibbo. This new species carried on for centuries without purpose, that is, until they met the Amphi. The Amphi evolved on the beaches and shallow shores of Utopian, and co-founded a civilization with the Quibbo. After years and years of brotherhood, the Amphi became the greatest friends (and protectors) of the Quibbo race.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Quibbo are accepting towards any race, but they are a naturally cautious people. With Amphi they are quick to trust, but members of other races will take some time. There is virtually no discrimination towards others, however.
Scientific Name
Mare vivum


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