
Sandshrubs are distinctive plants native to the arid regions of Alterra's southern continent. This hardy shrub is adapted to the harsh desert climate, thriving in sandy soils and enduring prolonged periods of drought. Characterized by its dense, tangled branches and small, leathery leaves, the sandshrub presents a striking blend of brown and green hues, enabling it to blend seamlessly with the desert landscape. Its roots grow deep into the ground, allowing it to access moisture and nutrients inaccessible to other plants. The shrub's flowers are small and pale, blooming briefly during the rare periods of rainfall in the desert.

Beyond its physical characteristics, the sandshrub possesses a unique magical property. When its leaves are crushed and mixed with water, they produce a mild luminescent glow, making them a valuable resource for travelers and inhabitants of the desert. This bioluminescent property is particularly useful during the dark desert nights, providing a source of light that does not attract nocturnal predators. While the glow is not bright enough to illuminate large areas, it is sufficient for reading, navigating, or performing small tasks.


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