
The Seedflower is a large, sunflower-like plant native to Alterra, known for its imposing size and the bushy growth at the base of its stem. The flower's head is filled with large seeds that are highly nutritious, making them a valuable food source. Due to their considerable size, most birds and small animals are unable to consume the seeds, which limits the plant's natural dispersal. However, settlers and merchants have found numerous uses for Seedflower seeds, incorporating them into various meals or eating them on their own as a snack.

The seeds of the Seedflower are a staple in many regions of Alterra, prized for their rich nutritional content and versatility in cooking. They can be roasted, ground into flour, or pressed for oil, making them an essential ingredient in a wide range of dishes. The bush at the bottom of the Seedflower’s stem also contributes to its appeal, providing additional foliage that can be used for fodder or other purposes.

by Angela Jeanine


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