
The Shoevine is a ground-dwelling plant native to Alterra, known for its sprawling nature and dense network of thorny vines. This plant covers large areas, spreading quickly across the ground and entangling anything in its path. The vines are covered in sharp thorns that not only pose a physical threat but also deliver a non-fatal poison. When a thorn pierces the skin, the poison causes a temporary dazing effect in the victim, leading to disorientation and a brief loss of coordination.

The dazing effect induced by the Shoevine's poison typically lasts for a short duration, making it difficult for affected individuals to move or respond effectively. This can be particularly dangerous in the wild, where even a brief moment of disorientation can lead to further injury or exposure to predators. While the poison is not lethal, the Shoevine's ability to incapacitate those who come into contact with it makes it a plant to be avoided by both animals and humans.

by Peggy Spiess


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