Statistic Changes

The majority of these are homebrew, but some of them are just me reversing a homebrew rule we had prior. This is to clear things up.
  • 10 copper = 1 silver, 10 silver = 1 gold, 10 gold = 1 platinum.
  • Combat discussion amongst players is only allowed between combat rounds.
  • Death throw rolls are rolled privately. Their DC will vary instead of always ten.
  • Enemy abilities, stats, and creature names will almost always be hidden.
  • Most bosses/mini bosses will go twice in a round.
  • Investigation rolls are no long necessary for looting. I will instead just go straight to a loot table.
  • Besides brews and food, items can be crafted without numbered resources, just something that makes sense.
  • Interacting with the environment in combat is a bonus action. For example, opening a door, firing a cannon, or throwing a lantern at someone.
  • Animal companions have a separate turn.


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