
Throatshrooms are a dangerous and semi-sentient species of mushroom native to the darker, more humid regions of Alterra. These mushrooms are small and nondescript in appearance, often blending in with other fungi in the wild. However, their true nature is revealed when they are ingested. Once inside the body, Throatshrooms begin to expand rapidly, clogging the esophagus and cutting off the airway. This expansion continues until the throat is completely blocked, leading to a slow, agonizing death by asphyxiation. Due to this lethal characteristic, Throatshrooms are regarded with fear and caution in regions where they are known to grow.

Despite their deadly nature, Throatshrooms possess a peculiar property that has led some to attempt using them in food preparation. When carefully cut into tiny pieces, the mushrooms can be added to bread dough, where their expansion ability is harnessed to increase the size of the loaf. This process is highly risky, as even a slight miscalculation in the amount used can result in the dough expanding too much, rendering the bread toxic or even lethal. The precision required in using Throatshrooms for baking means that only the most skilled and daring bakers attempt it, and even then, it is done with great caution.

The use of Throatshrooms in baking remains controversial, given the inherent dangers involved. Some see it as an unnecessary risk, while others view it as a way to create unique and larger loaves of bread that stand out in the marketplace. However, the potential for fatal consequences ensures that Throatshrooms are handled with extreme care, and their use is limited to those who fully understand the risks. In many regions, these mushrooms are outlawed due to their lethal potential, with strict penalties for those caught using or selling them improperly.


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