Westfruit Tree

Westfruit trees are some of the most unique plants in all of Numira, as they are rumored to bare fruit capable of miracles. Many chalk off the rumors as mere pagan folklore, but some of the stories revolve around them add up. The most notable legend is of the delivery of a westfruit to a doomed and plague-ridden settlement. The fruit was sacrificed to cure the town's citizens, saving them from certain death.

Westfruit trees do not bare fruit without great sacrifice. For one to sprout, several gallons of willing blood must be sacrificed to the tree. Alternatively, and most commonly recorded, is a sacrifice of magic items. Depending on the strength of the item, the tree may immediately bare fruit or instead take multiple objects. It's unknown what the exact capabilities of westfruit is, but some say it could make a creature into a god.

by Rimma Savina


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