Westgale Tree

Westgale trees, as the name implies, are originally from the western side of Alterra. They can often be seen on the coastlines or in the deserts of the far south, and are easily recognizable by their unique leaves and seemingly magical properties. No matter if there's wind or where it's actually blowing, the leaves of Westgale trees will always sway in their name's direction. This effect stays true even after the leaf is seperated from the rest of the tree.

Many explorers are used to using compasses or atmospherical objects to find what direction they're heading, but when these unique trees are within the eye's reach, everyone knows where they're going. Unfortunately though, this boon comes at a cost to settlers of the new world. Westgale wood is one of the worst building materials in Numira, as it easily rots and collapses.

by Suren Nersisyan


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