Wild Flakes

Wild Flakes are a grass-like plant native to the plains and meadows of Alterra. They produce a grain, known simply as flakes, that closely resemble a longer and more dense traditional rice. This plant has adapted well to the region's climate, with slender stalks and green, grass-like leaves that sway gently in the wind. The grains are contained within husks at the top of each stalk, ripening in the warm season before they are ready for harvest. Wild flakes are known for their resilience and ability to thrive in varying conditions, making it a reliable food source for the inhabitants of Alterra.

While flakes can be consumed in their natural form, they are known to have a rather bland and dry taste. To enhance the flavor, they are commonly seasoned with local spices, such as Poplilly spice, and sweetened with Glitterpine sap. These additions transform the simple grains into a delicious meal, which is a staple in many diets across Alterra. The grains' ability to be easily preserved also makes them an ideal choice for rations, providing sustenance for travelers and settlers alike. Recognizing the value of this crop, the people of Alterra have domesticated flakes, cultivating them as a reliable food source and ensuring a steady supply of food.

by Bethany Lee


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