Creatures of Volta

In this article I will be telling you about the creatures of Volta or the surrounding oceans. Each section will be a new creature and this section will be information based on my rules for armor and such.
  So crafting items I will allow people to craft items in this game based off the creatures you find.... each type of creature has a different skill to use as a check to get items from them.
  DC = 12 + 1/2CR (Less then 2 do not add)
  Aberration, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, or Ooze = Arcana
  Beast, Giant, Humanoid, Monstrosity, or Plant = Nature
    Celestial, Fey, Fiend, or Undead = Religion
  Now if you can give me a valid reason to use something else then I will consider it but these the main rolls.
Size Maximum Checks Maximum Units
Tiny 1 1/4
Small 2 1/2
Medium 2 1
Large 3 2
Huge 4 3
Gargantuan 5 4

CR Rarity Value
3 or less Common 1% Creature Exp
4-8 Uncommon 5% Creature Exp
9-12 Rare 10% Creature Exp
13-18 Very Rare 25% Creature Exp
19+ Legendary 50% Creature Exp

Basic Information



Genetics and Reproduction

The wormlike grick waits unseen, blending in with the rock of the caves and caverns it haunts. Only when prey comes near does it rear up, its four barbed tentacles unfurling to reveal its hungry, snapping beak.
CR: 2
Size: Medium
Type: Monstrosity
Items: 1 unit of grick beak
1 unit of grick hide
1d4 units of grick tentacles

Growth Rate & Stages

Undead Tree

Ecology and Habitats

Mud Mephit
This strange creature looks like a pile of mud which has sprouted wings and can fly, it is very mischievous and likes to play pranks on things. Usually these creatures are described as almost child like in a manner.
CR: 1/4
Size: Small
Type: Elemental
Items: 1 unit of mephit core

Biological Cycle

Bone Naga Guardian
Guardians of the undead these creatures can resemble the remains of a large long dead snake until it feels the presence of something within 5 feet of it.
CR: 4
Size: Large
Type: Undead
Items: 2d4 units of fangs
1 unit of bone ribs
1 unit of spine bones

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

This large lizard like creature likes to leave in places with large rock formations, it's gaze is said to stone those in their tracks. A few though have been know to be docile and befriend travels who show affection towards them.
CR: 3
Size: Medium
Type: Monstrosity
Items: 2 units of basilisk eyes
2 units of basilisk hide
1d4 units of basilisk teeth


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