Shops/Inns/Taverns of Shallow Tongue Pass

The Long Bear Inn

The Long Bear Inn is a place to rest those dropping eyes for the night, run by the oldest of the Rambert siblings, Neristine Rambert.

Private Per Person, Per Night 2gp
Group Per Person, Per Night 2sp
Suite Per Person, Per Night 5gp
Private Per Person, Per Week 10gp
Group Per Person, Per Week 1gp
Suite Per Person, Per Week 25gp

The Black Frog Tavern

The Black Frog tavern is run by the middle of the Rambert siblings, Zandeyr Rambert. This is the place to go sit back and relax with a cup of tea or an ale. Seems a bit more uppercrust until you touch into the seedier part of the tavern.

Coffee Kettle/Cup 3sp/7cp
Herbal Tea Teapot/Cup 3sp/7cp
Sphinx Noir Bottle/Glass 2gp/9sp
Amethyst Ale Gallon/Pint 5sp/1sp
Raven Rum Bottle/Glass 2gp/4sp
Wondrous Whiskey Bottle/Glass 3gp/5sp

Deep-Fried Potato Wedges Small/Large Portion 9cp/4sp
Jerky Strips Small/Large Portion 2cp/2sp
Cheese Platter Small/Large Portion 9cp/1sp
Braised Grick Small/Large Portion 9cp/6sp
Blackened Behir Roast Small/Large Portion 5sp/1gp
Grilled Basilisk Small/Large Portion 8cp/6sp

Mess Kit Mundane 2sp
Cook's Utensils Mundane 1gp

Arcane Solutions

Arcane Solutions has all of your solution needs whether it be arcane or mundane, this artificer and general store is run by the youngest of the Rambert siblings, Chorvirl.

Bullseye Lantern Mundane 10gp
Caltrops (Bag of 20) Mundane 1gp
Dice Set Mundane 1sp
Glass Bottle Mundane 2gp
Hempen Rope (50 Feet) Mundane 1gp
Hunting Trap Mundane 5gp
Ladder (10 Foot) Mundane 1sp
Magnifying Glass Mundane 100gp
Shovel Mundane 2gp
Two-Person Tent Mundane 2gp

Healer's Kit Mundane 5gp
Climber's Kit Mundane 25gp
Woodcarver's Tools Mundane 1gp
Tinker's Tools Mundane 50gp
Alchemist Supplies Mundane 50gp
Carpenter's Tools Mundane 8gp

Bead of Nourishment Common 40gp
Bottle of Boundless Coffee Common 50gp
Talking Doll Common 50gp
Scribe's Pen Common 70gp
Bag of Holding Uncommon 500gp
Immovable Rod Uncommon 500gp
Revealing Lantern Uncommon 300gp
Badge of the Watch Rare 3,500gp
Cube of Force Rare 8,800gp
Reincarnation Dust Very Rare 20,000gp

The Loud Dagger

The Loud Dagger is run by Daitora Ironspark and his inter Neo Smasher, for some reason in Shallow Tongue Pass the Silverex family does not have a post if you ask him he might tell you why.

Chain Shirt Mundane 50gp
Heavy Crossbow Mundane 50gp
Morningstar Mundane 15gp
Handaxe Mundane 5gp
Studded Leather Mundane 45gp

Mason's Tools Mundane 10gp
Smith's Tools Mundane 20gp
Leatherworker's Tools Mundane 5gp

+1 Shortsword Uncommon 200gp
Sickle of Warning Uncommon 200gp
Giant Slayer Rapier Rare 4,600gp
Greatsword of Sharpness Rare 8,700gp
Dragon Scale Mail Very Rare 20,000gp

The Messy Note

The Messy Note is your lovely everyday bookstore and scrolls outpost run by the cute Karume Clantide.
Sealing Wax Mundane 5sp
Parchment (Paper, Blank, Per Sheet) Mundane 1sp
Ink Pen Mundane 2cp
Book (Blank) Mundane 25gp
Book (Written) Common 10-300gp

Scroll Kit Mundane 20gp
Forgery Kit Mundane 15gp
Cartographer's Tools Mundane 15gp
Calligrapher's Supplies Mundane 10gp

Spell Scroll Common 60gp
Spell Scroll Uncommon 200gp
Spell Scroll Rare 1,300gp
Spellbook Uncommon 400gp
Spellbook Rare 8,500gp
Spellbook Very Rare 50,000gp

The Jeweled Spool

The Jeweled Spool is the jewelry/clothing store run by the most audacious couple of married tieflings in the world, Sirxus and Marza Nightbreeze.
Silver Locket Mundane 15gp
Small Gold Bracelet Mundane 25gp
Moonstone Mundane 50gp
Clothes (Travelers) Mundane 2gp
Clothes (Fine) Mundane 15gp

Jeweler's Tools Mundane 25gp
Tinker's Tools Mundane 50gp
Cobbler's Tools Mundane 5gp
Weaver's Tools Mundane 1gp
Leatherworker's Tools Mundane 5gp

Shiftweave Common 20gp
Perfume of Bewitching Common 60gp
Circlet of Comprehend Languages Uncommon 600gp
Boots of Striding and Springing Uncommon 100gp
Mantle of Spell Resistance Rare 1,000gp

The Brambled Scale

The Brambled Scale is the herb and potion shop run by Leshra.

Antitoxin Mundane 20gp
Basic Poison Mundane 10gp
Potion of Healing Common 50gp
Potion of Climbing Common 40gp
Potion of Greater Healing Uncommon 100gp
Potion of Resistance (Psychic) Uncommon 200gp
Potion of Water Breathing Uncommon 500gp
Elixir of Health Rare 5,200gp
Potion of Clairvoyance Rare 7,600gp
Oil of Slipperiness Very Rare 30,000gp

Herbalism Kit Mundane 5gp
Alchemist's Supplies Mundane 50gp
Poisoner's Kit Mundane 50gp

Component Pouch Arcane Gear 25gp
Crystal Arcane Gear 10gp
Enduring Component Pouch Common 50gp
Pipe of Remembrance Common 60gp
Elemental Gem (Emerald) Uncommon 300gp
Medallion of Thoughts Uncommon 200gp
Wand of Binding Rare 8,000gp
Staff of Thunder and Lightning Very Rare 50,000gp
Shop, Generic


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