Ace Vales

Ace Vales

A above average height female kalashtar with very elvish features.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Silver/White hair

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Velt Relias Vales is what most would consider a rambunctious soul. Being the child of a mage and a former soldier turned priest she had a drive to learn and a love for life instilled into her at a young age and spent most of her youth learning about the arcane, and history or being taught about the tenets of Gya and how to heal others with blessing from the divine and magic. She loved spending time in the forests or mountains with her father and learning about Gya and the wondrousness of life while walking outside of the small village they lived in along the Averheim Caldor border and watching and helping her mother with research into the arcane and history of this world. Though her life was didn't always so happy At 19 Velt lost her father Octavius Dravos Vales in the war between Stormwind and Averheim. This event cemented the path in which Velt would follow seeing the distress it caused both herself and her mother she made a silent promise to herself that she would try her best to heal and protect those around her while. For 3 years following the death of her father she tried to keep that promise by learning as much as she could from the books her father left behind and the other materials her mother could provide her while working as healer with the local church.   She began to grow with time becoming more confident in her ability to help others. Though that confidence was not held for very long as a plague swept through her village wiping it and almost taking her with it. Her Memories of this time are very faded but what she does remember is trying to help her mother and the other members of the village as they were taken one by one by the affliction until she was alone, and as her own grip on life began to slip she prayed to Gya for the first time since her father had died as she lost consciousness.   What followed was what she could only describe as confusing as after this prayer she felt a warmth enter her and a voice telling her to live as she felt life return to her and her mind began to be flooded by unfamiliar memories and found her self in a white room face to face with an elf that simply stated "so you are my next incarnation well I guess you and I have a date with a certain sword" and with that she awoke finding an unfamiliar amulet graphed into her chest and her once brown hair now a silver. After taking a few days burying the dead and getting used to her new body and "companion. she took her father holy crest and decided to take to set out into the world to find out whatever sword the voice in her head wanted and to search for an answer to whatever the plague that wiped her village out was.

Mental Trauma

Losing her family and village has taken toll on her making her very timid and she constantly doubts her own abilities. Ace Being bonded to her has not helped her social skills or sanity either. Haunted by those she couldn't save from the plague that afflicted her village.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes she is part of a higher purpose and wishes to help other as best as she can.

Personality Characteristics


She is traveling to find out what the plague that killed her village was and find the sword that her "companion" wants to return to his friend.

An elf ranger

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
White with Black tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
lightly tanned
Known Languages
Common, Qouri/Dream, Elvish, Primordial, (Draconic, and Abyssal)


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