Cathedral of Gya

The Temple of Gya has long stood as a testament of her people's devotion, and its build time of 57 years, her walls and stained glass windows dwarf every other building in Stratholme. With a 24-hour guard inside and out, the Cathedral remains a safe haven for those who come to pay their respects. The guards of the temple are specially selected and trained from birth to guard and keep record of all of the contributors to the faith, and the heros who fell while protecting it. The temple Guards are not permitted to speak to commoners while at their post or on patrol, and each one wears a fully enclosed helmet with a faceplate to mask their identity. Each mask is to unique to the guard that it is assigned to, and enchanted to mirror the guards emotional state with its facial expression.   The Cathedral reaches up as the single tallest builing in Stratholme other than the mountainous statue of a blindfolded Gya watching over the city. Father Alfeim is the current "Father Priest" overseeing the temple, and Daramus is Gya's current champion. The temple has many dorms and rooms afforded to those in distress or need, and the many priests see to the everyday needs of the flock of visitors.
Cathedral / Great temple


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