Everreach History and Overview

Everreach's boundaries are the rich farmland land between Averheim and the Free people of Mistra all the way to the Northern Wildlands. The territories are largely self governed, and only band together in the case of an attack or invasion by another realm historically. Halfling, elves, gnomes, dwarves, and men all live together throughout the districts and a mutual peace is kept by the roving "Guardians" that protect the larger towns and cities. The guardians are magically crafted golems that Everreach uses for labor and a standing defense force to protect their realm. The golems range in size and can be outfitted for a variety of tasks, although none of tasks or uses can be very complex. Everreach has always been a nuetral territory during conflicts, and only very rarely get involved in other's wars and squabbles, using their Golem guardians to enforce their nuetrality. Everreach has good trade relations with the Boneharrow Orcs that live in their more mountainous areas, who have a keen knack for influencing the local weather with their storms affinity. The Orcs trade rain and good weatherwhen the farmers need it and recieve food and supply "tribute" in return. The governing class of individuals is more of a council than a typical kingdom ruler, and only meets when the several realms are all affected. Otherwise, the territories continue to govern themselves and have a predisposition to resist authority, unless a law is egregiously broken. The Free people's philosophy is to never let fueds continue to fester, and grudges between families are tirelessly rooted out. Violence within the towns and districts are permitted, as long as the altercation doesn't involve weapons and nobody is killed or maimed. Breaking these mandates will result in restitution, banishment, or execution, depending on the severity of the crime. Anything that distrupts work for extended periods is frowned upon, as the people's devotion to Grongdar is fervently upheld. Everreaches faith is born from the first founding of their culture when Grongdar led the strange races out of the Darkwood and protected them with his various construx. His Forge hammer was magically enchanted to bring his machines to life with very limited sentience, and he used this gift to protect Everreach. Grongdar is traditionally held as the great protector and patron of the realm, and devotions to his remembrance are common in all corners of Everreach. The priests are blessed with his creative ability and continue to make construx for labor and military strength to this day.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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