Knights Of The Silver Chalice

The Knights of the Silver Chalice were founded originally as an adventuring group that had set out to keep the outlying villages safe from the monsters that were stalking them. The current head of the Order, Darion, is descended from the original founder, Alphus the holy Crusader. Esentially an order rooted in a code of chivalry and proper conduct, Knights of this order strive to prove themselves worhty of the "White Knight" title that is attributed to only the best of them. What makes the Silver Chalice unique from other organizations is that they do not belong to a single country or kingdom, but rather is devoted to "the unheard, unseen, those without power or influence". As such the Order is funded through contracts with numerous adventuring guilds to hunt monsters, solve disputes, or train militias. New recruits are selected from orphans, widows, and soldier called to a higher calling. The new recruits undergo rigorous and harsh training and turned into one of the most disciplined soldier regiments campaigning against darkness all over the globe.
Military Order


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