The Rusty Nail Adventurer Guild

The Rusty nail was originally established as a rest camp for far roaming adventurers in service to Averheim's King, as time went on, the camp continued to grow and grow from it's humble beginnings into the full fledged establishment it is now. The guild has long been run by the Lorrow family, and is run by Gaul Lorrow, an old retired adventurer that had lost his entire group in a savage raid from he Northern realms. Gaul lost 4 brothers and a sister fighter that day to a large, ivory dragon named Savarath, whom Gaul had barely escaped at the cost of his eyesight. Gaul also draws special, ornate tattoos, given to those who have earned his respect. The tattoos have a magical semblence to them, and can move, depict emotions, display victories and trophies, or even talk and interact with the outside world.


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