The Tomb of Alphus

Alphus was a knight of Averheim's first founding and many say that the First blood was coursing through his veins. The legend might have some merit as Alphus was a very powerful being. He became a champion of Gya by the age of 13. Alphus fought in the first great war of the foundings, and had made many friends of the dwarves, Elves, and men. Alphus succeeded in rallying these races under one banner to defeat one of Sirrus' Borkist the bloodthirsty that was marching to burn Stratholme to the ground and every soul with it. The Last alliance was able to stop Borkist the bloodthirsty by luring the overconfident general into a trap. Alphus was not able to completely vanquish Borkist at the battle, but did manage take both one of his arms and eyes. Alphus lived for 238 years and served Gya faithfully during that time. His passing was felt in every realm, especially in the Elven realm of Mistra from where his Wife was raised. every faction of the Last alliance contributed to Alphus' burial, as his tomb will attest.   Dwarven architecture with prominent Elven runes that depict the Last alliances' triumph over Borkist the bloodthirsty line the halls and guilded doorways. Elven and dwarven statues stand guard over the resting place where Alphus finally laid his head. The tomb was hidden deep in the mountains where none could desecrate it.   Alphus had far reaching plans however, and led what would become the Grail Companions to his tomb through several dreams that brought the group together. The Grail Companions would continue his work to destroy evil and protect the realm with his weapons and armor still continuing the fight to this day. His bow remains unfound, as do many of his heirlooms, perhaps strategically placed that others would take up his mantle...


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