
The Urador fled from the ravages of the War of the First bloods and settled into the farmland rich area of Averheim. Their royal bloodline originates from Mage-Queen Kellana, daughter of Gya and Titus Jorag, the Warrior King of Stratholme. Urador is somewhat based on a fuedal society of nobles, knights, lords, and ladies that rule over the peasant population.   Averheim was founded by refugees fleeing the First Great War of the First Bloods and as a result, their culture is very diversified with several races that have intermingled. The original Urador however, were very capable mages and knights that were in service to the Gya, the Lady of Life and Light. Blonde or brown hair, medium size builds, and bright blue eyes adorn the people of Urador. Urador society is made up of several castes and districts that make up the Kingdom. The Monarchy and the Religious groups are perhaps the most prominent, and rule over all the other groups almost as equals.
Warrior King Titus Jorag
Prince Jothram Jorag, son of Titus Jorag
Soldier of Averheim


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