
The people of Ashenvale, known as Ashwalkers, are a solemn and contemplative folk, marked by their pale skin and narrow eyes that seem to peer into places beyond this world. Bound by ancient traditions, the Ashwalkers live a life steeped in reverence for the dead and the cycle of rebirth, a devotion that shapes every aspect of their lives. Many bear red tattoos on their faces, intricate designs symbolizing both honors received and loved ones lost.

While Ashenvale has no formal ruling authority, the high priests and clerics guide the city's decisions and rituals, interpreting the will of the gods. Among them, clerics and warriors wear ornaments made from the bones of rare, dangerous beasts, a sign of both strength and protection against malevolent spirits. Graveborne, seen as direct manifestations of Raiar's blessing, are honored above all, treated with awe and the highest respect.

Though Ashenvale is somber, it is not unwelcoming; visitors are greeted with a quiet hospitality, provided they respect the customs of the Ashwalkers and honor their ways. For an ashwalker, life moves slowly, yet purposefully, in harmony with the cycles of life, death, and rebirth that define the city’s sacred order.

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