
"Born rulers, made to bow"


The first of the dragons, Urddrakh, was created by Vorath, God of Fear and Hunger, So pleased were the gods with his creation, that afterwards Vorath toiled with them to create dragons more suited for each of them, that would receive some of their boons. For example, the fire breathing drakes were the ones favored by Ignar, Goddess of Fire, and many others were created at this time for each of the gods. But it is said none were as big and powerful, or as essentially draconic as Urddrakh.

At the end of the Deep Night, and the war with the Titans, Urddrakh fell whilst slaying one of the primordial titans. Ythara, Goddess of the Cycle, abhores waste and saw the death of such a magnificent creature as wasteful. To honor his achievement in the war, and perpetuate the cycle of nature, from the Primorat drake's body she spewed forth new life. These were the first of the draconic Kin: the dragonborn.

Urddrakh, Primorat of Dragons, dies. The first Draconics emerge

The dragonborn proved invaluable during the latter parts of the Titan wars. Of imposing physical build and particularly skillfull with destructive magic, their talents for war were unmatched. But most importantly, they seemed as driven as their forefather, possessing never ending lust for power and wealth. This often caused conflicts, as they viewed themselves as natural rulers and above all other Kin, but were often times forced to serve greater drakes who viewed them as cheap imitations of the pure draconics.

Before the creation of humans they were quickly becoming the dominant Kin, but this rapidly changed. Their numbers could not compete with the humans, who spread like rabbits across the lands. In an attempt to even the scales they created a lesser version of themselves: the Kobolds. This kin was lesser of body and mind, and therefore not a threat to the self viewed natural rule of the dragonborn. With the arrival of the new gods however, the scales once again tipped in favor of the humans, and most draconics were slain or went into hiding, biding their time for when they would naturally rule again.


It is exceedingly rare to even see a dragonborn nowadays, much less have one living in a settlement. While kobolds are much more plentiful, they are viewed as pests and more commonly found serving a greater draconic: either a dragonborn, or possibly even a drake. Most common sightings are in the ShatterSpines, near the Drake's Lair.

Dragonborn don't like getting their own hands dirty. While incredibly powerful and skillfull, they usually stay in their forts and camps and send forth minions to do their bidding. It is said they are always scheming for a way to gain power or wealth, and always at the expense of someone else.

You very rarely see two dragonborn together as well, since the inevitable conclusion will be infighting for who should rule over the other.

Dragonborn sizing up potential prey

Few hundred

Main Location
Near current or old dragon lairs


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