
The Freefolk of the Everspray Islands, known for their darker complexion, coarse hair, and shorter stature, are a people who prize freedom above all else—freedom to worship as they choose, to pursue the open sea, and to embrace adventure at every turn.

Scattered across the diverse islands of the archipelago, the Freefolk represent a wide range of cultures and beliefs. In the most remote areas, traditional Freefolk communities still uphold the old ways, and the worship of Thalos, God of the Sea or even Golorrath, God of the Abyss, is widespread.

Renowned for their swimming skills and knowledge of the sea, many Freefolk are adept sailors and skilled in navigating by the stars. Known for their boisterous spirits and cheerful temperaments, they exude a mix of lightheartedness and a strong desire for admiration, making them natural storytellers and bold explorers.

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