
"Bolts and lugs, smarts and wits"


Gearhold stands as one of the continent’s youngest cities—a vibrant, chaotic haven founded by Zigzott, the first Goblin in Yellow. Goblins had always lived at the fringes of civilization, unwelcome and unwanted. Zigzott sought to change that, envisioning Gearhold as a sanctuary for all Kin who found themselves without a home, a place resolutely independent of the gods’ reach. Through sheer ingenuity and meticulous planning, Zigzott transformed this vision into reality, and Gearhold swiftly became a beacon for outcasts, freethinkers, and innovators. Once dismissed as the fevered dream of a lone goblin, Gearhold grew too formidable to ignore, nestled strategically within the Iron Tooth mountains and protected by the strange beasts that roamed its outskirts.

The city itself is a labyrinth of mismatched structures, cobbled together with every material imaginable, and governed by few rules beyond a relentless drive for invention and advancement. Gearhold is no easy target: anyone foolish enough to approach it with hostile intent must first contend with the city’s arsenal of traps, war machines, and defenses of Zigzott’s design—devices cunning enough to deter even the most seasoned invaders.

Gearhold is home to the Tinker's Hall, a place that gathers all manners of engineers, alchemists and more to one place, to gather all possible knowledge and blueprints under one roof, safe in the knowledge that with Zigzott's supervision, even the most dangerous experiment will only result in singed eyebrows, or at the most, a couple of missing fingers.


Though goblins make up the majority of Gearhold’s residents, Kin of all backgrounds call the city home, from misfits and wanderers to brilliant minds drawn to the city’s culture of unfettered experimentation. At its helm remains the Goblin in Yellow, a title handed down from one inventive goblin to the next, with the city’s council of engineers and scholars selecting each successor based on their contributions to Gearhold’s ever-evolving tapestry of progress. Here, invention is life, and even the wildest dreams find a place to take root and flourish.

3000 Goblins
Thousands of other Kin

Geopolitical, City-state


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