
Misters are a quiet, contemplative people, often described as having a mysterious, knowing smile and an aura that suggests they walk with a foot already in the grave. They are typically shorter than most other Kin, with warm-toned skin and narrow eyes, features that, some joke, have been influenced by their closeness to halflings over the ages.

Deeply traditional, Misters uphold ancient customs with a reverence bordering on the sacred, performing daily rituals of incense burning and tea ceremonies to honor both the living and the departed. Their sense of ancestry is palpable, and each Mister feels profoundly connected to Misthallow’s history, their place within the city marked by ancestral ties, often visible in family sigils or even the lingering presence of a specter relative.

Although they are welcoming, outsiders often sense an invisible, unspoken barrier that sets true Misters apart. No matter how long a newcomer resides in Misthallow, it is understood that only those who share a lineage rooted for centuries can fully bridge that divide, as the weight of a Mister’s belonging rests on more than just flesh—it lies in their ancestry, and in the spirits that still watch over the city.

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