
Shardlings are peculiar and dangerous creatures, born from the shards of fallen gods. These beings are often crystalline or mineral in form, with jagged, sharp bodies and a distinct glow that pulses from within their cores. Drawn to the lingering magic within God Shard , shardlings emerge in areas where these fragments lie undisturbed, using the godly essence to fuel their existence.

While shardlings vary in size—from small, darting entities resembling crystalline insects to hulking, golem-like forms—they all share an insatiable attraction to divine magic. Some wander aimlessly, while others seem to guard shards fiercely, attacking intruders with clawed limbs or emitting bursts of energy. They are known to "sing" in a haunting, melodic hum, which grows louder the closer one gets to the source of their magic.

Legends claim shardlings might serve as wardens of the shards they protect or even extensions of the godly essence within them. Scholars argue over whether they have a will of their own or are simply expressions of dormant godly wrath. Nonetheless, encountering shardlings is often a sign of proximity to a God Shard, and where they are found, other powerful and corrupted creatures are never far behind.



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