
No one truly knows what caused the Sundering, but it arrived like a mortal wound centuries after the Heavenly Clash, shattering the world’s delicate peace with a violence beyond imagining. On a single day, clerics across the land recoiled in horror, clutching their heads as if struck. They spoke of feeling the gods die—a wrenching absence that left many of them on their knees, eyes wide with despair. Some were driven mad, screaming prayers that went unanswered, while others simply fell, life extinguished as though their divine bond had been severed. From the heavens, shards of the gods themselves plummeted like meteors, God Shard slashing through the skies to pierce the landscape and forever warp it in their wake.

The land split and reshaped as if convulsing, mountains collapsed into dust, seas boiled dry or swallowed entire coastlines, and once-lush forests withered under fiery gales. Where the godshards fell, strange magic and unpredictable curses took root, and no place remained untouched by the Sundering's effects. Entire cities crumbled, crushed under landslides or twisted into mazes of corruption. Lands once safe became hostile, while cursed or barren landscapes transformed, opening their arms as unexpected sanctuaries for survivors fleeing the devastation.

In the wake of the Sundering, divine blessings faltered. Prayers fell silent, holy relics grew inert, and temples became empty monuments to a vanished age. Kin across the world found themselves unmoored, struggling in a world where the steady guidance of the gods had evaporated. Those who survived saw even their own kind transformed—some warped in body or spirit by proximity to fallen godshards, others marked by wild magic that coursed unpredictably through them.

To this day, the cause of the Sundering remains a mystery. Some seek answers, believing that understanding it might restore the world. Others, however, are content to rebuild their lives amid the fractured landscape, accepting the godshards and their magic as both a blessing and a curse left in the wake of a celestial death whose reasons mortals can only guess.


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