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Prosperity, Wealth & Good Fortune

(a.k.a. The Merchant)

The views of (God's Name) are that of merchants, traders, entrepreneurs and the wealthy. Depicted on every single coin in the realm, (God's Name) would recieve prayers for good fortune and luck, requests from busineses and merchants alike, hoping for great deals and even better profits. The Fox & Crow may also be prayed to by the poor, asking for better fortunes, or an opportunity for one to present itself. The only of The Seven to be depicted by a pair of animals, it is unknown if (God's Name) is, in fact, two beings.

Divine Domains

Commerce: This domain encompasses trade, business, and the exchange of goods and services. Followers of Aurelius seek his favor in matters of commerce and financial success.
Abundance: This domain represents the bountiful blessings of wealth and prosperity. It covers the aspects of plenty, opulence, and the fulfillment of material desires.
Opportunity: Followers of Aurelius pray for opportunities and favorable circumstances that lead to financial gain, success, and the realization of their ambitions.
Investment: This domain involves wise financial planning, investments, and the growth of wealth through strategic means. It also covers the ability to make profitable decisions.
Luck: Aurelius is invoked to bestow luck and good fortune upon his followers, increasing their chances of success in endeavors related to wealth and prosperity.
Trade Routes: This domain pertains to the establishment and maintenance of lucrative trade routes, which are essential for economic growth and prosperity.
Treasure Hunting: Aurelius is called upon by adventurers and treasure hunters seeking to uncover hidden riches and valuable artifacts.
Fiscal Management: This domain involves the effective management of finances, including budgeting, saving, and making prudent financial decisions.
Market Influence: Followers of Aurelius seek his favor to influence markets, ensuring the success of their enterprises and the profitability of their ventures.
Material Gain: This domain encompasses the acquisition of material wealth, including money, assets, and valuable resources.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Animals: Fox & Crow   Mythical Creature: Golden Dragon   Colours: Yellow, Orange & Gold   Element: 
The Golden Coin: A universally recognized symbol of wealth and prosperity, the golden coin is often depicted with Aurelius' emblem engraved upon it.
The Diamond: A symbol of unyielding strength and value, the diamond represents the enduring nature of wealth and its intrinsic worth.
The Merchant's Key: A key, often made of precious metals, represents access to opportunities, secrets of financial success, and unlocking the doors to prosperity.
The Money Tree: A legendary tree that bears currency instead of fruit, it signifies the growth and multiplication of wealth through wise investments and endeavors.
The Coffer or Strongbox: Representing secure storage of wealth, the coffer is a symbol of financial security and the safeguarding of assets.
The Crown and Laurel Wreath: These symbols denote achievement, success, and recognition of one's accomplishments in the pursuit of wealth and prosperity.
The Gilded Handshake: Depicting a handshake, this symbol signifies the mutual agreements and partnerships that lead to prosperity and financial gain.
The Abacus of Fortune: This ancient counting tool represents the meticulous calculation and management of wealth. It signifies the importance of careful planning and financial strategy.

Tenets of Faith

Accumulate Wealth: Understand that the pursuit and accumulation of wealth is a divine mandate from Aurelius. Strive for financial success and material abundance.
Protect Your Holdings: Guard your wealth and possessions vigilantly. Recognize that they are a testament to your favor in the eyes of Aurelius.
Seize Opportunities: Act decisively when opportunities for financial gain present themselves. Aurelius favors those who demonstrate boldness in their pursuit of wealth.
Honor Industry and Enterprise: Value hard work, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Respect those who create and contribute to the prosperity of society.
Embrace Abundance: Recognize that prosperity is a sign of one's favor in the eyes of Aurelius. Seek opportunities for growth and expansion in all aspects of life.
Stewardship of Wealth: Understand that wealth is a divine blessing meant to be managed wisely. Use it to improve your life and the lives of those who align with the ideals of prosperity.
Measure Value Wisely: Place a discerning eye on the value of all things. Understand that discernment in what you choose to acquire is a mark of true affluence.
Guard Against Loss: Be vigilant in protecting your wealth from any potential threats or losses. Demonstrate shrewdness and cunning in financial matters.
Strive for Opulence: Pursue a lifestyle of opulence and luxury. Understand that visible displays of wealth are a testament to your favor with Aurelius.
Never Settle: Continuously seek new avenues for wealth and financial growth. Remember that complacency is the enemy of true prosperity.

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