Amulet of Dark Souls Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Amulet of Dark Souls

Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)

This amulet consists of a silver chain which holds three dark vials. Everytime a creature with a dark soul in your area dies you can absorb its soul into one of the vials. By doing this you trap the soul and can use its power.
Each of the three vials can only contain a special kind of dark soul.  

Vial of Lesser Dark Souls

  This vial can contain 100 lesser dark souls. You can expend a certain amount of souls from the vial to use the following effects, thereby destroying the souls.   Life Transfer: As an action you expand a number of souls from the vial to heal you for the amount spent.

Words of the damned: As an action you expand 5 souls from the vial to cast Speak with Dead.

Help of the Dead: By spending 10 souls you can give yourself advantage on an attack role or ability check.

Guarded by the Gone: If your hit points would be reduced to 0 you can expand 25 souls to drop to 1 hit point instead. If the damage you take is over 25 you must succeed on a constitution saving throw with a DC of 10 + the damage above 25 you take. You can spend an additional amount of souls to decrease the DC of the saving throw by the same amount.

A Walk through the Afterlife: As an action you expand 50 souls and assume a ghost-like appearance. For 1 minute you can use a bonus action to step into the ethereal plane. You stay there until the effect ends or you use a bonus action to leave it. (During the minute you can step into and out of the ethereal plane as often as you want)

Swallowed by Death: As an action you can spend 100 souls to cast Power Word Kill.    

Vial of Greater Dark Souls

  This vial can contain 15 greater dark souls. Depending on the amount of souls stored in the vial you can use different effects. When you use an effect you expend the number of souls it requires. The vial recharges all souls after you finish a long rest.   Knowledge of the Dead (1 soul): When you roll an ability check, saving throw or attack roll you can add 1d6 to the roll. You do this after you see the result but before you know if it would succeed or fail.
When you have 7 souls in this vial the die becomes a d8, and a d10 at 12 souls.

Veil of the Phantom (3 souls): As a bonus action you become invisible for 1 hour or until you attack or cast a spell.

Soul Shroud (5 souls): As a bonus action you surround yourself in souls for 1 minute. You get resistance to non magical piercing, slashing and bludgeoning and necrotic damage. Also whenever a creature within 5 ft. hits you with a melee attack it takes 1d8 necrotic damage.

Deathfire Grasp (7 souls): As an action choose one creature that you can see. As part of the action you can make one weapon attack against that creature with advantage. If you hit, the creature becomes vulnerable against your weapon's damage type.

Cry of the Fallen (10 souls): As an action you release a terrifying cry of agony and despair. Every creature you choose that can hear you in 60 ft. of you must succeed on a intelligence saving throw (DC 18) or take 8d8 psychic damage and get frightened by you for 1 minute (it can repeat the save at the end of its turn). This also works on targets that are immune to being frightened if they are not bearers of Greater or Legendary Dark Souls.
The Save DC increases to 20 when you have 15 souls in this vial.

Destroyer of Evil (15 souls): As a bonus action you drain on the strength of your fallen foes. Your physical stats rise to 24 and can’t be reduced by any means. At the start of the 4th round after you activated this ability your stats rise to 26, to 28 at the start of the 7th round and to 30 at the start of the 10th round.
If you have this ability still active after the end of your 10th turn (1 minute) you die.
You can try to end this ability as a bonus action. For that you must succeed on a wisdom saving throw with a DC of 15 + the number of turns you have taken with this ability active.
Additionally you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Also when an allied creature, that you can see and that is within your flying speed, gets hit by a melee attack you can use your reaction to jump to a free space within 5 ft. of the attacker. You then half the damage your ally would take and can make one melee attack against the attacker.    

Vial of Legendary Dark Souls

  This vial can contain the 6 souls of the 6 lords of darkness. With each soul you can use a special ability dedicated to each lord of darkness. You then need to finish a long rest to use that ability again.


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