Chandras Dress Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Chandras Dress

Wondrous Item, Artifact, requires attunement

  As a bonus action you can let your dress vanish or appear.
While wearing the dress the base AC of Mage Armor becomes 14 (15 at level 17).

  When you make a melee attack with your pact weapon you get +1 to attack and damage rolls. This becomes +2 at 11th level and +3 at 17th level.
Also you can cast Green Flame Blade and Booming Blade (or similar spells) at your weapons reach.
Also your weapon damage die when using your pact weapon is atleast a d8 (d10 at 11th level and d12 at 17th level) and you can choose if it deals piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage.

  When you roll initiative or as a bonus action while in combat you can let the dress assume one of the following forms for 1 minute.
You can do this once per long rest (twice on 11th level and thrice at 17th level)  

Form of the Dancer

Your dress starts glowing as if a spotlight would shine upon you. An your eyes start shining like the full moon.

  Allegro: As a bonus action you can teleport 30 ft. in any direction to a free space that is not behind total cover as you - with upmost elegance - whirl through friend and foe.

  Pirouette: As an action you can make a melee weapon attack against all enemies within your weapons reach. When you hit you roll one additional weapon die (2 additional dice at 11th level and 3 additional dice at 17th level).

  Cambre: Once per combat when you hit with an attack roll you can deal two additional weapon dice (three at 11th level and five at 17th level) extra weapon damage (these dice also double on a critical hit). Also on this hit you can reroll any 1s and 2s of your weapon damage dice.  

Form of the Musician

Your dress becomes a gradient red and orange color and your eyes start shining like the rising sun.

  Accelerando: When you use your Mantle of Inspiration feature every creature you choose can move double its movement speed and gets one Bardic Inspiration (this includes yourself). Also the temporary hit points are increased to 10 (15 at 11th level and 20 at 17th level)

  Canto: When you would give one of your allies a bardic inspiration you can give it to every ally in range (this still only expands one use) and you also heal them for two rolls of your bardic inspiration (three rolls at 11th level and four rolls at 17th level).

  Grand Finale: With a final bow you leave the stage leaving everyone else in amazement.
Once per combat as an action you teleport yourself to a space within 60 ft. of you that you can see. Every creature of your choice thats was within 10 ft. (15 ft. at 11th and 20 ft. at 17th level) of you before you teleported must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or becomes amazed for 1 minute. An amazed creature is incapacitated and its speed is 0. At the end of each of its turns an amazed creature can repeat the saving throw ending the condition on a success.  

Form of the Painter

Your dress starts shimmering in the colors of the rainbow as do your eyes.

  Color Palette: When you use your Hexblades Curse choose one color (blue, green, red, yellow, purple or black). The target gets disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws it makes with the ability corresponding to the chosen color. (At 17th level you can choose 2 colors) Red = Strength, Green = Dexterity, Black = Constitution, Blue = Intelligence, Yellow = Wisdom, Purple = Charisma

  Brush it off: When you roll a saving throw to resist an effect or condition applied by the target of your hexblades curse you can roll with advantage.

  Soaked in Ink: You expand your Hexblades Curse so that it covers its target completely in ink. Once per combat as an action you can force the target of your Hexblades Curse to do an saving throw with the ability corresponding to the curses color. (At 17th level the target must make two saving throws - one for each color)

  Red Riot: You invoke a rageful bloodlust in your enemy. On its turn the target must move to its closest ally and make all of its attacks against that ally. If it cant reach an ally to attack it uses it movement to get as close to it as possible but can then use its action freely.

  Green Grease: You let the ink cover the ground. You turn the space(s) where the cursed creature is standing and up to 3 (5 at 11th level and 7 at 17th level) extra 5x5 ft squares into difficult terrain until your form ends. Each square must be contiguous with at least one other square. Each creature standing in the grease when you cast the spell or that enters it on the first time on its turn or ends it turn there must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Each creature in the area when you use this action that fails the saving throw additionally takes 4d6 acid damage and needs to spend its full speed to stand up. (the damage increases to 6d6 at 11th level and 8d6 at 17th level)

  Black Bomb: You concentrate the ink near a vital spot of the cursed target and let it explode. Additional to the cursed creature every creature within 10 ft of it must also make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save a creature takes 4d12 acid damage or half as much on a success as the ink burns away skin and flesh. (This damage increases to 6d12 at 11th level and 8d12 at 17th level)

  Blue Barrier: You cage the cursed target in an illusionary barrier that only it can see. On a failed save the creature thinks its trapped in a cage until the end of your next turn. It cant move and cant see anything beyond the barrier. Attacks made against the creature are made with advantage. A creature with truesight isn't affected by this ability.

  The Queen in Yellow: You place a horrific, otherworldly vision in the mind of the cursed creature. On a failed save the cursed creature takes 8d8 psychic damage (10d8 at 11th level and 12d8 at 17th level) and is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

  Purple Pain: You cause waves of intense pain to assail the creature. On a failed save until the end of your next turn any speed the creature has cant be higher than 10 feet. The target also has disadvantage on attack rolls and if it wants to cast a spell it first has to succeed on a constitution saving throw or the casting fails and the spell is wasted.


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