Feywild Shield Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Feywild Shield

Armor (shield), legendary, requires attunement
  This shield has two states of which you choose one at the start of combat. You also can use an action to change the shields state.
Holding: While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. The bonus increases to +2 on 11th level and +3 on 17th level.
Hovering: The shield hovers around you leaving your hand free. In this state the shield doesn't transform when you change your physical form through wildshape, polymorph or a similar effect.
  This shield is a gift from the eight Fey Lords. It can assume four different forms each resembling the Domains of two of Fey Lords. When you attune yourself to the shield you learn two forms. You learn an additional form at 11th level and 17th level.
When you finish a long rest you can choose one form the shield assumes. As a bonus action you can change the shield to a different form.
  The shield has two charges. It gains an additional charge at 11th level and another at 17th level. As an action you can expand one charge and activate the active forms effect. You regain all charges after you finish a long rest.


Form of the Woods

(power of Eryn Lord of Forests and Mothala Lady of Swamps)
  When you choose this form the shield assumes a form made of intertwined, thorny twigs and branches that wrap around your wrist.
  Natures Grasp: While this form is active you can’t be disarmed and you have advantage on checks and saving throws to avoid being prone and you ignore difficult terrain made out of plants (e.g. overgrown ground).
  Thorny Regret: The shield wraps around your body and long thorns sprout from it. Spiked roots expand on the ground around you. You then unleash thorny vines that grab your enemies. The ground around you in a 15 ft. radius becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute. For every 5 ft. a creature gets forceful moved in this area it takes 2d6 piercing damage.
Then every creature you choose within 20 ft. of you must succeed on a strength saving throw or gets pulled 10 ft. towards you. If a creature is then within 5 ft. of you it gets pushed into the spikes of your shield taking another 4d6 piercing damage. This damage increases to 6d6 at 11th level and 8d6 at 17th level.
  If you use this ability more than once since your last long rest affected creatures only get pulled 5 ft. an the damage they would take if they are within 5 ft. you is reduced by 2d6.


Form of the Waves

(power of Soliana Lady of Rivers and Alataire Lord of the Sea)
When you choose this form the shield assumes a form made of flowing Water.
  Waverider: While this form is active you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and you ignore difficult terrain made out of liquids. (e.g. knee deep water, wet floor)
  Ebb and Flow: You release a wave of water that jumps back and forth between your allies and enemies.
Choose one creature that is within 30 ft. of you (this can be you). If it is an ally it regains 4d8 hit points, if it is an enemy it has to succeed on a dexterity saving throw or takes 6d8 bludgeoning damage or half on a success.
The healing and damage increases by 2d8 at 11th level and another 2d8 at 17th level.
Then the wave can jump to another creature within 30 ft. of the first creature that is an enemy if the first creature was an ally and vice versa. This ability can affect a number of targets equal to your proficiency bonus but every creature can only be affected once.
  If you use this ability more than once since your last long rest the number of creatures the ability can affect equals half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) and the healing and damage is reduced by 2d8.


Form of the Glacier

(power of Amorod Lord of Mountains and Yerya Lady of Snow)
When you choose this form the shield assumes a form made of icy rocks.
  Steadfast: While this form is active you can not be moved against your will and you ignore difficult terrain made out of earth or ice (e.g. rocky ground, frozen lake).
  Shattering Earth: You smash the shield on the ground thereby creating a fissure made of icy rocks in a 15 ft. wide and 30 ft. long line originating from you.
The area becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute. Every creature in the area when you use this action must succeed on a strength saving throw or take 6d6 bludgeoning damage and gets knocked prone and gets pushed to the middle row of the area. On a success a creature takes half damage and doesn't get pushed or knocked prone. Additionally if two creatures would land on the same spot in the middle row of the area the both take an additional 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
The initial and the colliding damage both increases by 2d6 at 11th level and 17th level.
  If you use this ability more than once since your last long rest the area is only 5 ft. wide and does not push any creature.


Form of the Sands

(power of Erume Lady of Deserts and Pathula Lady of Plains)
When you choose this form the shield assumes a form made of hot sand.
  Sandwalker: You can pass through creatures and terrain as if you were one size smaller and you ignore difficult terrain made out of sand and creatures (quick sand, allies, enemies).
  Dune Rider: You immediately free yourself of any creature or effect grappling or restraining you. You then summon a wave of sand on which you ride over the battlefield. You can move twice your walking speed without provoking opportunity attacks and ignoring difficult terrain.
When you move over a space of an allied creature you end every grappled or restrained condition on them and you can drag them 10 ft. along your path.
You can end your turn on a space of one or more enemy creatures. Every creature you choose that is inside your space at the end of your turn must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 4d12 slashing damage and becomes blinded as you shroud them in a sandstorm. If a creature succeeds on the saving throw it only takes half the damage and does not get blinded.
The damage increases to 6d12 at 11th level and 8d12 at 17th level.
After that your space(s) and all spaces within 5 ft of you get covered in quicksand thereby becoming difficult terrain.
  If you use this ability more than once since your last long rest you can only walk your normal walking speed (not twice) and the damage is reduced by 2d12.


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