Godwoken Bellstaff Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Godwoken Bellstaff

Quarterstaff, Artifact, requires attunement

  You can use this staff as spellcasting focus.

  Tier 1: +1 on Spell Attack Rolls
Daybreak: With a gentle ring you start the fight. Choose one of the 3 Bells below when you roll initiative and activate its effect (if you are surprised you can activate an effect at the start of the second round of combat).

  Bell of Surprise: You and your allies have advantage on attack rolls and you and your allies can take the dash or disengage action for free in the first round of combat.
Bell of Protection: Your and your allies armor class increases by your constitution modifier and you and your allies get a bonus equal to your constitution modifier to their saving throws in the first round of combat.
Bell of Speed: You or one of your allies increases his initiative by 10 or you and all your allies increase their initiative by 3.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a short or a long rest.
Also you can only use every bell once per long rest.


  Tier 2: +2 on Spell Attack Rolls and +1 on Spell Save DC
Noon: With an energetic chime you keep the fighting spirit of your companions high.
As a bonus action choose one of the 3 bells below and activate its effect.

  Bell of Healing: You heal a friendly creature that can hear you for a number of d8s equal to your proficiency bonus. This increases to d10s when you reach tier 3 on this item.
If the target you heal has 0 HP the healing is maximal. If the creature you heal hit an attack in the first round of combat then the next attack against it has disadvantage.
Bell of Inspiration: All friendly creatures that can hear you get an inspiration until the end of the battle. If they got hit by an attack in the first round of combat or failed a saving throw they roll three dice instead of two when using the inspiration.
Bell of Motivation: Until the start of your next turn your movement speed and that of all friendly creatures you can hear is increased by an amount equal to their initiative (rounded down in 5 ft. steps). Every creature with an initiative of 20 or more gets an extra bonus action for the duration.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a short or a long rest.
Also you can only use every bell once per long rest.


  Tier 3: +3 on Spell Attack Rolls and +2 on Spell Save DC
Dusk: With a sweet melody you let your allies relax for a moment. As an action choose one of the 3 bells below and activate its effect.

  Bell of Revitalization: All friendly creatures that can hear you can use any number of hit dice to regenerate HP. They can use your constitution bonus for that. If the Bell of Healing is already used you can use it again.
Bell of Astral Regeneration: All friendly creatures that can hear you regain spell slots of a level equal to your prof. bonus. If the Bell of Inspiration was already used you can take another action to cast a spell.
Bell of Purification: You remove all negative conditions from you and your allies that can hear you (except sleeping, dying and unconscious). If the Bell of Motivation was already used you and your allies get advantage on saving throws until the end of your next turn.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a short or a long rest.
Also you can only use every bell once per long rest.


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