Godwoken Boots of Adventure Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Godwoken Boots of Adventure

wondrous item, artifact, requires attunement

      Tier 1: +1 on Armor Class
Call to Adventure: You start your Hero's Journey full of hopes and dreams.
You ignore difficult terrain.
Also as an action you channel your hero spirit. You get temporary hit points equal to three times your prof. bonus. Also for one minute you can use two bonus actions on your turn, one of which can be used to make a weapon attack.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.


  Tier 2: +1 on Armor Class and Saving Throws
Quick Travel: As an action you accelerate to inhuman speed as lightning envelops your feet.
Your walking speed increases by 20 ft. until the end of your turn. You can also move through enemies and your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Every creature that stands on a space which you moved over on your turn has to make a dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + prof. bonus + walking speed/10) taking 6d8 lightning damage on a failed save or half the damage on a successful save. This damage increases to 9d8 once this item reaches tier 3. Any creature that fails the saving throw is paralyzed until the end of your current turn.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.


  Tier 3: +2 on Armor Class and Saving Throws
Hero’s Entrance: With a mighty jump you launch yourself into the sky.
As an action choose a creature within 120 ft.. Make a melee or a ranged weapon attack against that creature with advantage.
Melee Attack: You plunge down onto your enemy. If you hit you crit. Also every creature within 5 ft of the creature you attack must succeed a strength save (DC 8 + your attack bonus) or get knocked away 10 ft., falling prone and take one third of the damage you dealt with our attack. You land on a free space within 5 ft. of the creature you attacked.
Ranged Attack: You infuse your projectile with lightning and fire it upon your foe. If you hit you crit. The creature then must succeed on a constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your attack bonus) or become paralyzed until the end of its next turn. You then land on a free space within 5 ft. from the space you were before the attack.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.


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