Godwoken Moonstone Diadem Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Godwoken Moonstone Diadem

Wondrous item, Artifact, requires attunement

  You can use this diadem as a spellcasting focus as you wear it on your head.

  Tier 1: +1 on Spell Attack Rolls
Lunar Sigil: You let the moonlight shine upon the earth. As a bonus action choose one point within 20 ft of you. You create Lomelas Sigil on the ground which is a circle with a radius of 20 ft.
While in this circle your movement is increased by 15 ft. and you don't provoke opportunity attacks.
Also you have a bonus of +1 on your AC and Saving Throws while in this Circle.
Also while you are in the circle you can add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls from your melee attacks.
After 1 minute the sigil fades and the effect ends.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a short or a long rest.


  Tier 2: +2 on Spell Attack Rolls and +1 on Spell Save DC
A Dance in the Moonlight: Like a spotlight the moon shines upon you as you, as an action, start an enthralling performance. Every creature of your choice in 10 ft. of you that can see you has to succeed on a charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + your performance bonus) or get stunned until the end of your next turn. If it is night and the moon is visible every creature gets -2 on their saving throw.
If you use this action while standing in your Lunar Sigil every creature of your choice also standing in the Lunar Sigil and that can see you has to make the saving throw.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.


  Tier 3: +3 on Spell Attack Rolls and +2 on Spell Save DC
Crescent Rush: As an action you manifest moonlight sickles in your hand. You then dash forward to strike your enemies. You can teleport to a spot within 30 ft.. You then can make a melee spell attack against every creature that is in a 15 ft. wide line drawn between your start and end position. On a hit you deal 12d8 magic slashing damage. If it's dark or dim light you attack with advantage.
If you use this action while standing in your Lunar Sigil you can attack every creature also standing in the Lunar Sigil and then teleport to any point in the Lunar Sigil.
If you already used A Dance in the Moonlight this fight you can reroll a number of dice of every damage roll of Crescent Rush equal to the number of creatures stunned by A Dance in the Moonlight.
You then can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.


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