Lucky Eights Spell Box Character in Forsaken World | World Anvil
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Lucky Eights Spell Box

Wondrous item, very rare

  This spellbox lets you roll one spell which you then can cast once before your next long rest without using material components or spell slots.
To determine the spell after you finish a long rest roll 1d8 and 2d6.

  The d8 determines the school of the spell:
1: Abjuration
2: Conjuration
3: Divination
4: Enchantment
5: Evocation
6: Illusion
7: Necromancy
8: Transmutation

  The 2d6 determine the level of the spell:
2: 7th level
3: 5th level
4: 3rd level
5: 2nd level
6: 1st level
7: 1st level
8: 1st level
9: 2nd level
10: 4th level
11: 6th level
12: 8th level

  Your DM then tells you a spell which meets that prerequisites.


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